"✉➡🌍 Acastus-Photon" is a completely private, free and open source Address / POI lookup application for android.
Use it to find nearby places, all without the privacy invasions and tracking features of other apps.
Share your location to other people, knowing full well that the information is kept private.
You can start Acastus by clicking on an address in the SimpleContatcs.
Translations via crowdin.com: cs, de, es, fr, it, ja, nl, no, pl, pt-BR, ro, ru, sv, zh-CN
"✉➡🌍 Acastus-Photon" relies on Photon as the backend, a replacement for Google Maps and other geocoding services that you can run on your own server. It uses the photon-api to fetch results to your phone, allowing you to search for places, then open and navigate to the result in your preferred navigation app such as OsmAnd or Maps.me.
Details on setting up your own Photon instance are here: https://github.com/komoot/photon
Acastus has been originally created by DanielBarnett714 and used Pelias / Mapzen backend. This fork is maintained by k3b and GDR! and uses Photon backend hosted by Komoot. You can use your own backend in settings. The fork exists because Mapzen went bankrupt and there don't seem to be any other public Pelias instances. Also, Photon seems to do a better job at free text searches.
Acastus is the son of Pelias in Greek mythology and using this name for my fork doesn't make sense, but who cares.
Some apps from f-droid.org that are compatible with Acastus
OsmAnd+ Global Mobile Map Viewing & Navigation for Offline and Online OSM Maps
Offi King of public transit planning!
Transportr Public Transport Companion
AndroidGeo2ArticlesMap Show articles (wikipedia/wikivoyage) near the geolocation in an interactive map
c:geo via izzysoft-f-droid-repository powerful geocaching app