Shell scripts for setting up Manjaro Linux for Python programming and deep learning
Author: Qiusheng Wu (
- Open the Terminal and enter the following commands
- git clone
- cd manjaro-linux
- sh shell-script-file (e.g., sh 01-update-mirrors)
- Package manager: pamac (enable AUR)
- Backup: timeshift
- Dist utility: gnome-disk-utility (for auto mount options)
- System cleaner: stacer-bin
- Workspace theme: arc-kde papirus-icon-theme papirus-maia-icon-theme
- Browser: google-chrome brave
- Programming: visual-studio-code-bin r rstudio-desktop-bin pycharm-professional miniconda3 cuda cudnn python-tensorflow-cuda
- Office Suite: softmaker-office-2018-bin
- Cloud backup: dropbox insync onedrive
- Remote desktop: teamviewer anydesk nomachine krdc remmina
- FTP client: filezilla
- Email clients: mailspring wavebox
- ISO files: etcher furiusisomount xfburn, woeusb
- Image editor: gimp pinta krita
- Vector editor: inkscape
- Screen recorder: peek flameshot obs-studio
- PDF editor: masterpdfeditor-free gscan2pdf pdfarranger moonshiner pdfchain
- Chat: skypeforlinux-stable-bin electronic-wechat zoom slack-desktop
- Wallpaper: variety
- Pandora Radio client: pithos
- Media server: plex-media-server rhythmbox
- E-book reader: calibre
- Virtual machine: virtualbox crossover
- Firewall: gufw
- System info: hardinfo
- Math: mathpix-snipping-tool
- Geospatial: google-earth qgis saga-gis
- Download manager: motrix