A class for drawing lines of different width (like rivers) on a map.
Useful when you want to show how rivers 'flow' on the map.
Simple polylines without using Leaflet.River | Using Leaflet.River |
![]() |
![]() |
requires [email protected]
npm install leaflet-river
<script src="path/to/[email protected]/dist/leaflet.js"></script>
<script src="path/to/Leaflet.river.js"></script>
To create a L.River, pass an array of latlngs to the factory function as the first argument. The second optional argument is options object.
var latLngs = [[48.491, 99.613], [48.492, 99.601], [48.496, 99.599]];
var river = L.river(latLngs, {
minWidth: 1, // px
maxWidth: 10 // px
- L.River doesn't support multipolylines.
- first point of an array has to be the source of the river.
You can specify parameters minWidth
and maxWidth
later using setMinWidth
and setMaxWidth
For better perfomance you can specify river width depending on its length, for example, when you create L.river objects from GeoJSON polylines.
In this case, use useLength
method, the single parameter is ratio, which is equal to (river length (px) / max width (px)).
var rivers = L.geoJson(geoJsonData, {
onEachFeature: function(feature, layer) {
var latLngs = L.GeoJSON.coordsToLatLngs(feature.geometry.coordinates),
river = L.river(latLngs, {
* ratio
* for example, the longest river's length is 1000 px;
* max width of the longest river has to be 10px;
* ratio = 1000 / 10;
* if ratio is specified,
* all rivers will be drawn proportionally
ratio: 100
Factory | Description |
L.river(LatLng[] latlngs, options options?) |
Create river polygon from latLngs array. |
Option | Type | Default | Description |
minWidth | Number |
1 | Min width of the river (px) |
maxWidth | Number |
10 | Max width of the river (px) |
ratio | Number |
null | Ratio between river length and max width. Used to draw river depending on its length |
Options, inherited from Path options |
Styling options |
Method | Returns | Description |
setMinWidth(Number ) |
this |
Set min river width (px). |
setMaxWidth(Number ) |
this |
Set max river width (px). |
getMinWidth() | Number |
Get min river width (px). |
getMaxWidth() | Number |
Get max river width (px). |
useLength(Number ) |
this |
Draw river depending on its length |
convertToPolyline(options options?) |
Object |
Convert river polygon to initial polyline. |