Brings together information about OpenStreetMap tags and makes it searchable and browsable.
Documentation: See the Taginfo page at the OpenStreetMap wiki.
Live System:
There is no versioning of these tools. The official site always runs the
version tagged osmorg-taginfo-live
. If you are using the tools, we encourage
you to stay up-to-date with that version also. But monitor your setup closely
when you switch to a new version, sometimes things can break.
- import scripts/web
- web user interface and API/examples
- some misc example stuff
It uses:
- Ruby (must be at least 3.0)
- Sinatra web framework and other ruby libraries
- curl binary
- sqlite3 binary (version 3.33 or above with FTS5 and regexp support)
- Optional: Parallel bzip (pbzip2)
- Optional: Vips image library with Ruby bindings
Install the Debian/Ubuntu packages:
$ sudo apt-get install curl sqlite3 ruby-vips
$ sudo apt-get install ruby-passenger libapache2-mod-passenger
Install the Gems:
$ sudo gem install bundler
$ sudo bundle install
Depending on your setup you might want to install an application server like
- uWSGI or
- Apache2
If you want to create the taginfo database yourself, you need to have installed. See there for details. If you only want to run the UI and get the database from somewhere else, you do not need this.
See Taginfo/Installation at OpenStreetMap's wiki.
You need a /data
directory (in the parent directory of the directory where
is). It must contain the sqlite database files created in the
data import step or downloaded from page
To start the web user interface:
cd web
You can also use it via uWSGI.
(On Debian install these packages: uwsgi uwsgi-core uwsgi-plugin-rack-ruby3.1
cd web
bundle exec uwsgi uwsgi.ini
You can change various settings in the config file and use it through a web server like Apache2 or Nginx.
There are a few tests for the Ruby code. Call rake
in the web
directory to
run the tests.
There is a configuration for Rubocop. You can run
Rubocop with rubocop FILENAME.rb...
to check one or more Ruby files. Fixing
issues is currently an ongoing process.
Taginfo uses the following Javascript libraries:
All the Javascript and CSS needed is already included.
To the many people helping with bug reports, code and translations.
There is a mailing list for developers and people running their own instances of taginfo: taginfo-dev
Jochen Topf ([email protected]) -