Simple test case management webapp, loosely inspired by Jekyll. Greglink takes a "test directory", runs all the files through markdown and shows the tests that need to be executed on the web site.
get the code:
git clone git://
install the python dependencies:
cd greglink
virtualenv2 env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
create config file:
cp greglink/config/
edit config file:
HOST = ''
PORT = 5000
DEBUG = True
SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'sqlite:////tmp/greglink.db'
TEST_ROOT = '/tmp/greglink_tests'
setup database:
CONFIG_FILE=/path/to/ python
run the webapp:
CONFIG_FILE=/path/to/ python
All tests are written in markdown with the '.md' file extension. Tests are then placed in the test folder (in the example above, this would be /tmp/greglink_tests). Here's an example of a test file that we will name
id: test1
title: Lorem Ipsum
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus dapibus egestas vehicula. Sed et sem ante. Cras ante dolor, consectetur nec cursus sit amet, consequat ut metus. Phasellus vehicula libero a nibh iaculis auctor. Nam semper placerat nisl, euismod faucibus diam ornare vel. Nulla tempus ultrices mollis. Praesent sapien massa, dictum ut interdum et, sodales et velit. Phasellus ac neque nibh, vitae fermentum odio. Suspendisse eget suscipit dolor. Nunc auctor pretium viverra. Aenean lacinia tincidunt enim ullamcorper venenatis. Nunc luctus quam eget odio facilisis dignissim.
Etape 1
Fusce vitae risus sed dolor faucibus lobortis
*Resultat*: enean aliquam, justo eget ornare fermentum, sapien orci porta ipsum, in imperdiet odio dolor ac sapien
Etape 2
Aliquam at dui leo, at ullamcorper arcu
*Resultat*: Cras egestas eros vel arcu faucibus vitae porta nisi tempus
Etape 3
Donec sed mi id magna adipiscing semper sit amet sit amet tortor
*Resultat*: Morbi vel egestas ante
Once the test is written and copied into the test folder, you can execute the test on the web site.