This is a plugin for folks who think that Vim's quickfix feature is
great, but who don't like how calls to :make
and :grep
freeze the
editor. MakeJob implements asynchronous versions of the builtin
commands in just a couple hundred lines of Vimscript.
- Implement a minimal solution for asynchronous
. No unnecessary features. - Let Vim be Vim. Use
to configure:MakeJob
and the analogous grep options for:GrepJob
. Use the Quickfix or Location List window to view findings. - Complete feature parity with
per the steps outlined in:help quickfix
, and the bang operator work as expected.
Vim compiled with +job
, +channel
, and of course +quickfix
cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone
Plug 'djmoch/vim-makejob'
Most other plugin managers will resemble one of these two.
Vim has :make
and :grep
. Replace those calls with :MakeJob
. A buffer will open showing the command output, which will
be parsed into the Quickfix or LocationList window when the job
completes. Bask in your newfound freedom to do as you please in Vim
while MakeJob runs.
If MakeJob reports findings, use :copen
to view the Quickfix window
(in the case of :MakeJob
), and likewise :lopen
to open the LocationList
for :LmakeJob
. If the current buffer is showing the output of a
running MakeJob, or if it spawned a running MakeJob, then <C-c>
it. There's also :MakeJobStop
to stop an arbitrary MakeJob (with
command completion).
Speaking of :LmakeJob
, all of the LocationList complements to the
Quickfix commands are there with MakeJob, bringing the full list of
commands to:
All of which work like their builtin counterparts. Those last two are admittedly a bit longer than we would probably like, but if you grep a lot you'll probably want to set a mapping for it anyway (see below).
Users of Syntastic may not be aware that Vim offers many of the same features out of the box. Here's a brief rundown.
With no prior configuration, :make
will run the make
program with no
arguments, and populate the Quickfix list with any errors the process
encounters. It's possible to change that behavior in one of two ways.
The hard way is to manually use :set makeprg
to change the program
something else, and then use :set errorformat
to configure the
format of the errors to look for. This gets pretty hairy, and so
we're all better off trying to avoid this in favor of the easy way:
compiler plugins. Using a compiler plugin easy (ex: :compiler javac
they abstract away the work of remembering the errorformat
, they're
extendable, and many are already included in Vim. MakeJob uses the
same compiler plugins users of Vim will be familiar with.
It's also possible to use theafter/ftplugin
folder to automatically
configure compilers on a per-file-type basis. An example of that trick
would be to add the following to ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/python.vim
compiler pylint
Add that and you're good to go for Python files (assuming you have a pylint compiler which hey, if you need one I've got you covered).
Additionally, if you'd like MakeJob to run a linter automatically when
you write a file, then something like the following in your .vimrc
will to the trick.
autocmd! BufWritePost * :LmakeJob! %<CR>
For more granular control, you can set this trigger on a per-file-type basis with something like the following:
autocmd! BufWritePost *.py :LmakeJob! %<CR>
Grep is a powerful way to search through a directory structure for a
keyword. I use it all the time, which is why I've added the following
mapping to my .vimrc
nnoremap <Leader>g :GrepJob!<Space>
Finally, if you find the preview windows distracting or otherwise disruptive to your workflow, you can hide it with the following, global setting:
let g:makejob_hide_preview_window = 1
- If
is set to'internal'
, then Vim uses its own builtin grep command. This still works when you call:GrepJob
, but not asynchronously. - For simplicity, only one instance of a given executable can run at
once. You can run
, but you can't run two instances ofmake
Part of the goal of MakeJob is to minimize the size of the plugin by using features Vim already offers whenever possible. To that end, if any of what foregoing discussion doesn't make sense, then take a look at the help documentation in Vim. Of particular interest will probably be the following:
:h make
:h makeprg
:h errorformat
:h compiler
:h quickfix
MIT - See the LICENSE file for more information