if using ayatana based appindicators:
sudo apt install python3-psutil gir1.2-ayatanaappindicator3-0.1
if using ubuntu based appindicators:
sudo apt install python3-psutil gir1.2-appindicator3-0.1
git clone https://github.com/fossfreedom/indicator-sysmonitor.git
cd indicator-sysmonitor
sudo make install
cd ..
rm -rf indicator-sysmonitor
nohup indicator-sysmonitor &
Output configurations can be accessed by clicking on the Indicator-Sysmonitor applet, selecting Preferences, then Advanced and then entering text into the "Customize output:" text entry field. Some suggested output configurations are as follows:
║{net} ║{publiccountryiso}║cpu:{cpu}/{cputemp}║m/fs:{mem}/{fs///}║
║{net} ║country:{publiccountryiso}║cpu:{cpu}/{cputemp}║gpu:{nvgpu}/{nvgputemp}║m/fs:{mem}/{fs///}║
{net} ║CPU {cpu} {cputemp} ║RD {amdgpu} NV {nvgpu} {nvgputemp} ║ MEM {mem} {swap} ║ {fs///}
Note: nvidia-smi
command should work normally and(/or) your card0
should be the radeon gpu. You can test it with this command:
cat /sys/class/drm/card0/device/gpu_busy_percent
If we run this command, we can see the cards:
ls /sys/class/drm/
on the system that was running the config above, card0
is the Radeon integrated GPU and card1
is the external Nvidia GPU.
* Use following string to use custom preview that is shown above. (Proprietary Nvidia driver needed, must be running):
CPU {cpu} {cputemp} | GPU {nvgpu} {nvgputemp} | MEM {mem} | SWAP {swap} | Net Speed Compact {netcomp} | Total Net Speed {totalnet}
An Application Indicator showing cpu temperature, memory, network speed, cpu usage, public IP address and internet connection status .
Works with Unity, Xubuntu, Gnome-Shell + app-indicator extension together with any other desktop environments that support AppIndicators.
Also works with the Budgie-Desktop
Offers the possibility to run your own command and display its output.
Create your own scripts (for example in bash). Give the script execute permission (chmod +x scriptname)
A script must output one line of text - e.g. using "echo" in bash
The indicator can change the icon being displayed by recognising the output of a sensor "USE_ICON:full_path_to_.svg"
To force the indicator to appear on the left-side of all indicators you must use a override file as described here:
Installation - Budgie-Desktop:
On budgie-desktop based installation - manual installation
sudo apt-get install python3-psutil curl git
git clone https://github.com/fossfreedom/indicator-sysmonitor.git
cd indicator-sysmonitor
sudo make installbudgie
budgie-panel --replace &
Then use Raven to add the "Panel Sys Monitor" applet
Installation - App Indicator based desktops:
On Ubuntu and derivatives - manual installation
sudo apt-get install python3-psutil curl git gir1.2-appindicator3-0.1
git clone https://github.com/fossfreedom/indicator-sysmonitor.git
cd indicator-sysmonitor
sudo make install
nohup indicator-sysmonitor &
To remove:
cd indicator-sysmonitor
sudo make uninstall
To install the AppIndicator via PPA:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:fossfreedom/indicator-sysmonitor
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install indicator-sysmonitor
Search in the dash for "indicator-sysmonitor" to run
To install the Budgie Applet via PPA:
open budgie-welcome - Install Software - Budgie Applets
- v0.10.2 - Remove debugging code causing nvgputemp not returning the temperature bump preferences version number
- v0.10.1 - Prevent crash for legacy nvgputemp in ./.indicator-sysmonitor.json Prevent crashing for users selecting nvidia options where nvidia callouts don't apply
- v0.10.0 - Python 12 support, optionally display cputemp and nvgputemp in Farenheit Display with an icon for xfce/xubuntu/cinnamon desktops Don't crash if there are settings file permission issues Menu Launch mate-system-monitor if installed Add a Simple Net sensor Fix amdgpu latency and add amd gpu sensor Add sensors for countries, ICO country codes Support ayatana appindicators
- v0.9.0 - NetSpeed Compact and Total NetSpeed, NVidia GPU sensors
- v0.8.3 - Rework fetch thread, README updates
- v0.8.2 - fix budgie-desktop crash and release debian package
- v0.8.1 - development - support budgie-desktop
- v0.8.0 - development - new sensor - cputemp, ability to use and change icons via a custom script
- v0.7.1 - bug fix to allow non-ubuntu kernels to be used
- v0.7.0 - new sensors - publicip and upordown.
- v0.6.3 - fixed the bug when display multiple CPU cores it always display the later ones as 0%
- v0.6.2 - bug fix to stop crash for custom sensors
- v0.6.1 - fix the debian packaging
- v0.6 - stable release - reworked to be easier to maintain
- v0.5 - GTK3 & Python3 based including bug-fix to display errors on using Test button together with fixing crash reports when incorrect sensor values used
- v0.4.6 - bug fixes for battery indicator and for spurious overwrite when adding new sensor
- v0.4.5 - removed indicator icon since not needed
- v0.4.4 - fix dependencies and corrected shown indicator icon
- v0.4.3 - fork from original author
- 100 prateekmedia
- 87 cosmicog
- 24 & 25 SteveGuo [email protected] https://github.com/SteveGuo
- 19 & 37 CPU & meminfo bug fixes Jesse Johnson https://github.com/holocronweaver
Original Author: Alex Eftimie [email protected] https://launchpad.net/indicator-sysmonitor
Current fork maintainer: fossfreedom [email protected]