Forkhandles (4k) contains foundational libraries for Kotlin
- Bunting4k - Command line argument parser
- Data4k - Typesafe data-oriented programming
- Fabrikate4k - Test utility to instantiate objects with fake data
- Fs4k - Simple file tree manipulation DSL
- Mock4k - The very cheapest mocking framework platform
- Parser4k - Recursive descent parser combinator library
- Partial4k - Adds partial application of functions to Kotlin
- Result4k - A usable Result type
- Ropes4k - A high-performance Rope data type.
- State4k - Simple event/command state machine modelling
- Time4k - Clock and deterministic scheduler
- Tuples4k - Tuple classes
- Values4k - Value classes aka Microtypes aka Tinytypes
In Gradle, install the BOM and then any other modules in the dependency block: