This is the Intel Edison image layer for the Intel Edison Development Platform. Here are all the parts needed to build and flash a Yocto image for Intel Edison.
This layer depends on:
URI: git:// tag: yocto-1.7.2
URI: [email protected]:htot/meta-intel-iot-middleware.git branch: daisy-latest and dizzy-uptodate
To build the Windows Cross-compilation toolchain:
URI: git:// branch: daisy
To build the MacOSX Cross-compilation toolchain:
URI: git:// branch: daisy
You will find more details in the README file in this directory
This is a fork of
Currently I am tracking origin/master but I have created three additional branches: dizzy-uptodate, dizzy-latest, dizzy-rt.
- dizzy-uptodate tracks origin/dizzy with 3.10.98 kernel. This branch pulls branch dizzy-uptodate with fixes for paho-mqtt relocated and iotkit-comm-js no longer supported.
- dizzy-latest tracks origin/master as much as possible with 3.10.98 kernel. This branch pulls branch dizzy-latest with fixes for paho-mqtt relocated and iotkit-comm-js no longer supported + java support removed. This gives mraa 0.9.0, upm 0.4.1 and mosquitto 1.4.
- dizzy-rt same as dizzy-latest but with real time kernel. Switches the kernel to the PREEMPT_RT 3.10.17-rt kernel
- morty experimental branch based on Yocto Morty, vanilla kernel 4.11
You really need to build this on Ubuntu 14.04. With 16.10 you will get errors related to makenod etc from pseudo-native. that will prevent the image to build completely. You can do this by creating a container with Ubuntu 14.04, install and configure sshd, create a user for yourself, install the required build environment (may be a bit to much):
sudo apt-get install gawk wget git-core diffstat unzip texinfo gcc-multilib build-essential chrpath socat cpio python python3 libsdl1.2-dev xterm python3
Detailed Intel instruction are here:
How-to create a container:
1- Prepare your workspace:
mkdir my_Edison_Workspace
2- Get this layer:
git clone [email protected]:htot/meta-intel-edison.git
3- Make things easier with 'make':
ln -s meta-intel-edison/utils/ Makefile
4- Checkout the version you want to use:
cd meta-intel-edison
git checkout dizzy-uptodate
git checkout dizzy-latest
git checkout dizzy-rt
5- Download all the needed dependencies:
make setup
6- Build Intel Edison Yocto distribution:
Change to the correct directory as instructed by the script.
cd /.../my_Edison_Workspace/test/out/linux64
source poky/oe-init-build-env
bitbake -k edison-image
Alternatively, from the same directory as make setup
make image
(or make flash
, make sdk
I didn't find a real easy way to clean up with bitbake (i.e. similar to make clean
). It most cases that won't be needed anyway. What seems to work for now is:
make clean
rem -rf bbcache/sstate-cache/*
make setup
This will delete everything in out, remove the sstate-cache, but keep all the downloaded packages.