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Build realtime web applications in Ruby and JS
Firehose is both a Rack application and JavaScript library that makes building real-time web applications possible.
First, you'll need to install and run Redis 2.6. Version 2.6 is required because Firehose uses Lua/EVAL for its transactions, which is not available in earlier versions of Redis.
Then install the gem.
$ gem install firehose
Now fire up the server.
$ firehose server
>> Thin web server (v1.3.1 codename Triple Espresso)
>> Maximum connections set to 1024
>> Listening on, CTRL+C to stop
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
In case you're wondering, the Firehose application server runs the Rack app Firehose::Rack::App.new
inside of Thin or Rainbows! Firehose::Rack::App
consists of a bunch of smaller apps and a middleware, which is useful for hacking.
Lets test it out! Open two terminal windows. In one window, curl:
$ curl "http://localhost:7474/hello"
Then run the following in the other terminal:
$ curl -X PUT -d "Greetings fellow human being..." "http://localhost:7474/hello"
and you should see the message in the other terminal.
Greetings fellow human being...
docker-compose run firehose bundle exec rspec spec
You have a dirt simple HTTP pub-sub feed. You could setup an after_commit
hook on ActiveRecord to push JSON to an end-point. On the other side, you could have a Backbone.js application that picks up the changes and updates the client-side UI.
Holy mackerel! Its a nice, clean, RESTful way to build real-time web applications.
Firehose doesn't just stop at curl; it has a full-featured JavaScript client that lets you subscribe to channels for live updates.
Still have the server running? Copy and paste the code below into Firebug or the WebKit console.
new Firehose.Consumer({
message: function(msg){
connected: function(){
console.log("Great Scotts!! We're connected!");
disconnected: function(){
console.log("Well shucks, we're not connected anymore");
error: function(){
console.log("Well then, something went horribly wrong.");
// Note that we do NOT specify a protocol here because we don't
// know that yet.
uri: '//localhost:7474/hello'
There's also a Consumer that uses channel multiplexing. The multiplexed consumer is useful for scenarios where you want to subscribe to messages from many channels at once, without having to use one connection per channel. You can specify a list of channels to subscribe to, including a handler function per channel that gets called with all messages coming from that channel.
new Firehose.MultiplexedConsumer({
connected: function(){
console.log("Great Scotts!! We're connected!");
disconnected: function(){
console.log("Well shucks, we're not connected anymore");
error: function(){
console.log("Well then, something went horribly wrong.");
// Note that we don't specify a general message handler function
// but instead define one per channel below
// Note that we do NOT specify a protocol here because we don't
// know that yet. We also don't specify a specific channel name as part of
// the URI but instead pass in a list of subscriptions below
uri: '//localhost:7474/',
// List of channel subscriptions:
channels: {
"/my/channel/1": {
last_sequence: 10, // defaults to 0 and can be ommitted
message: function(msg) {
console.log("got message on channel 1:");
"/my/channel/2": {
message: function(msg) {
console.log("got message on channel 2:");
Then publish another message.
$ curl -X PUT -d "\"This is almost magical\"" "http://localhost:7474/hello"
socket.io attempts to store connection state per node instance. Firehose makes no attempt to store connection state.
Also, socket.io attempts to abstract a low-latency full-duplex port. Firehose assumes that its impossible to simulate this in older web browsers that don't support WebSockets. As such, Firehose focuses on low-latency server-to-client connections and encourages the use of existing HTTP transports, like POST and PUT, for client-to-server communications.
While you can certainly make your own PUT requests when publishing messages, Firehose includes a Ruby client for easy publishing.
require 'firehose'
require 'json'
json = {'hello'=> 'world'}.to_json
firehose = Firehose::Client::Producer::Http.new('//')
You can pass additional options to the publisher that set specific custom configuration http headers. The options available are:
- TTL (how long should the message be buffered for)
- Buffer size (how many messages for the channel should be kept in the buffer)
- Deprecated (if marked as deprecated, any publications or subscriptions to the channel will be logged with a deprecation warning)
- Persist (persisting causes the channel & message to not be expired after a given or the default TTL)
The corresponding HTTP headers and allowed values are:
Cache-Control: int
X-Firehose-Buffer-Size: int
X-Firehose-Deprecated: true | false
X-Firehose-Persist: true | false
firehose = Firehose::Client::Producer::Http.new('//')
# mark channel as deprecated
firehose.publish(json).to("/my/messages/path", deprecated: true)
# expire after 120 seconds
firehose.publish(json).to("/my/messages/path", ttl: 120)
# only keep last item
firehose.publish(json).to("/my/messages/path", buffer_size: 1)
# persist channel & message forever (or until a new message for this channel declares a new TTL and persist != true)
firehose.publish(json).to("/my/messages/path", persist: true)
These options can be of course be combined within a single request.
Firehose can be configured via environmental variables. Take a look at the .env.sample
file for more info.
The Firehose server may be configured via the Firehose::Server.configuration
object as follows:
require "firehose"
# Implement a custom message handler.
class MyFilter < Firehose::Server::MessageFilter
def process(message)
name = params["name"]
message.payload = "HEY #{name}!, #{message.payload.upcase}!"
Firehose::Server.configuration do |config|
# Custom message filter. This is useful if you want to implement
# authorization per-message for Firehose.
config.message_filter = MyFilter
# Configure redis connection.
config.redis.url = ENV.fetch "FIREHOSE_REDIS_URL", "redis://redis:6379/10"
As mentioned above you can define custom MessageFilters which allow you to
add custom logic for things like authentication & filtering of content.
By default, the Firehose::Server::MessageFilter
base class is used, which does
nothing to the messages being published.
You can override the following methods in your own implementations:
class MyFilter < Firehose::Server::MessageFilter
# Optional override if you need to do any other setup operation.
# Make sure to call super(channel).
# - channel: name of the channel (String)
def initialize(channel)
MyLogger.info "Subscribing to channel: #{channel}"
# Optional, called once before process().
# - params: Hash of params of the subscription message the client sent
def on_subscribe(params)
@my_param = params["my-param"].to_i
# You can also optionally raise an instance of
# Firehose::Server::ChannelSubscription::Failed
# this will cause the client to receive an error message of the form:
# { error: "Subscription failed", reason: error_reason }
# and the client will call its `subscriptionFailed` callback (if configured)
# Custom logic for a message to be published to client.
# - message: Firehose::Server::Message instance
def process(message)
if @my_param > 10
message.payload += "My-Param: #{@my_param}"
# optional cleanup logic
def on_unsubscribe
You can mark a message as deprecated (to be logged by Firehose) by passing
deprecated: true
as an option to Firehose::Client::Producer::HTTP#put
firehose = Firehose::Client::Producer::Http.new('//')
firehose.publish("{'hello': 'world'}").to("/my/messages/path", deprecated: true)
You can specify a list of channels that are marked as deprecated and will cause subscription and publish events on any of those channels to be logged with a special deprecation message.
Example config:
Firehose::Server.configuration do |config|
# set a static list of deprecated channels:
config.deprecated_channels = ["/foo/bar.json", "/foo/bar/baz.json"]
# provide a block to determine if a channel is deprecated via custom logic:
config.deprecated_channel do |channel|
channel =~ /^\/foo\/*\.json$/
There are two rack applications that are included with Firehose: Firehose::Rack::Producer
which a client can PUT
HTTP request with message payloads to publish information on Firehose and the Firehose::Rack::Consumer
application which a client connects to via HTTP long polling or WebSockets to consume a message.
# Kitchen-sink rack configuration file example
require 'firehose'
consumer = Firehose::Rack::Consumer.new do |app|
# Configure how long the server should wait before send the client a 204
# with a request to reconnect. Typically browsers time-out the client connection
# after 30 seconds, so we set the `Firehose.Consumer` JS client to 25, and the
# server to 20 to make sure latency or timing doesn't cause any problems.
app.http_long_poll.timeout = 20
run consumer
# Kitchen-sink rack configuration file example
require 'firehose'
# There's nothing to configure with the Publisher, but its possible that
# you might include rack middleware authorization mechanisms here to control
# who can publish to Firehose.
run Firehose::Rack::Publisher.new
Using Sprockets is the recommended method of including the included client-side assets in a web page.
Add the firehose gem in your app's Gemfile.
Append the firehose gem's assets to the sprockets path. In a Rails app, this is usually done in an initializer.
# Add firehose to a custom sprockets configuration.
my_sprockets_env = Sprockets::Environment.new
Firehose::Assets::Sprockets.configure my_sprockets_env
- Require your config file and the firehose gem. This would look something like this:
#= require some/other/js/file
#= require lib/firehose_config
#= require firehose
#= require some/more/js/files
It is important that your firehose config file comes first.
If you don't intend to use the Firehose JavaScript client in a Ruby stack where Sprockets is available, you can grab the unminified source by running:
$ firehose javascript > firehose.js
Copy the firehose.js where needed in your project.
Firehose currently supports Thin and Rainbows! (which is the default). Neither is listed as a dependency in the gemspec so that you don't need to install whichever one you aren't using. You can set which server to use via the .env
file (recommended) or with the -s
option to bin/firehose
If you'd like to be notified of exceptions, add something like this in your custom config.ru file.
# Use exceptional to handle anything missed by Rack::Exceptional
if exceptional_key = ENV['EXCEPTIONAL_KEY']
require 'exceptional'
EM.error_handler do |e|
Firehose.logger.error "Unhandled exception: #{e.class} #{e.message}\n#{e.backtrace.join "\n"}"
The recommended method of deploying Firehose is to deploy it separately from your main app.
- Create a new project with a Gemfile such as
gem "firehose"
gem "airbrake"
gem "rainbows", :require => false
gem "rack", "~> 1.4.0" # if you're using Rainbows. See https://github.com/firehoseio/firehose/commit/dfe55fff
gem "foreman", :require => false
gem "capistrano", :require => false
Of course, you could use exceptional
instead of airbrake
and thin
instead of rainbows
Set up
to your liking. You can follow most directions for using Capistrano and Foreman to deploy Rack apps, such as https://gist.github.com/1027117 -
Set up
(if you are using Rainbows!). The gem includes example configurations scripts to get you started. There's also an example at https://gist.github.com/bradgessler/f2416efdbb1771e983b3.
For a new release of Firehose, bump the version number in lib/firehose/version.rb
as well as package.json
Make sure, they have the same version number.
Firehose will support the latest minor 2.x revisions of Ruby that are officially supported by the Ruby community. More details at https://www.ruby-lang.org/.