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Official Fireblocks TypeScript SDK

npm version

The Fireblocks SDK allows developers to seamlessly integrate with the Fireblocks platform and perform a variety of operations, including managing vault accounts and executing transactions securely.

For detailed API documentation please refer to the Fireblocks API Reference.


To use the Fireblocks SDK, follow these steps:

Install the SDK using npm:

npm install @fireblocks/ts-sdk


Initializing the SDK

You can initialize the Fireblocks SDK in two ways, either by setting environment variables or providing the parameters directly:

Using Environment Variables
You can initialize the SDK using environment variables from your .env file or by setting them programmatically:

use bash commands to set environment variables:

export FIREBLOCKS_API_KEY="my-api-key"
export FIREBLOCKS_SECRET_KEY="my-secret-key"

execute the following code to initialize the Fireblocks SDK:

import { Fireblocks } from "@fireblocks/ts-sdk";

// Create a Fireblocks API instance
const fireblocks = new Fireblocks();

Providing Local Variables
Alternatively, you can directly pass the required parameters when initializing the Fireblocks API instance:

import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import { Fireblocks, BasePath } from "@fireblocks/ts-sdk";

const FIREBLOCKS_API_SECRET_PATH = "./fireblocks_secret.key";

// Initialize a Fireblocks API instance with local variables
const fireblocks = new Fireblocks({
    apiKey: "my-api-key",
    basePath: BasePath.Sandbox, // or assign directly to "";
    secretKey: readFileSync(FIREBLOCKS_API_SECRET_PATH, "utf8"),

Basic Api Examples

Creating a Vault Account
To create a new vault account, you can use the following function:

async function createVault() {
    try {
        const vault = await fireblocks.vaults.createVaultAccount({
            createVaultAccountRequest: {
                name: 'My First Vault Account',
                hiddenOnUI: false,
                autoFuel: false
        return vault;
    } catch (e) {

Retrieving Vault Accounts
To get a list of vault accounts, you can use the following function:

async function getVaultPagedAccounts(limit) {
    try {
        const vaults = await fireblocks.vaults.getPagedVaultAccounts({
        return vaults;
    } catch (e) {

Creating a Transaction
To make a transaction between vault accounts, you can use the following function:

import { TransferPeerPathType } from "@fireblocks/ts-sdk";

async function createTransaction(assetId, amount, srcId, destId) {
    let payload = {
        source: {
            type: TransferPeerPathType.VaultAccount,
            id: String(srcId)
        destination: {
            type: TransferPeerPathType.VaultAccount,
            id: String(destId)
        note: "Your first transaction!"
    const result = await fireblocks.transactions.createTransaction({ transactionRequest: payload });
    console.log(JSON.stringify(result, null, 2));

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
ApiUserApi createApiUser POST /management/api_users Create Api user
ApiUserApi getApiUsers GET /management/api_users Get Api users
AssetsApi createAssetsBulk POST /vault/assets/bulk Bulk creation of wallets
AuditLogsApi getAuditLogs GET /management/audit_logs Get audit logs
BlockchainsAssetsApi getSupportedAssets GET /supported_assets List all asset types supported by Fireblocks
BlockchainsAssetsApi registerNewAsset POST /assets Register an asset
BlockchainsAssetsApi setAssetPrice POST /assets/prices/{id} Set asset price
BlockchainsAssetsBetaApi getAssetById GET /assets/{id} Get an asset
BlockchainsAssetsBetaApi getBlockchainById GET /blockchains/{id} Get an blockchain
BlockchainsAssetsBetaApi listAssets GET /assets List assets
BlockchainsAssetsBetaApi listBlockchains GET /blockchains List blockchains
ComplianceApi getAmlPostScreeningPolicy GET /screening/aml/post_screening_policy AML - View Post-Screening Policy
ComplianceApi getAmlScreeningPolicy GET /screening/aml/screening_policy AML - View Screening Policy
ComplianceApi getPostScreeningPolicy GET /screening/travel_rule/post_screening_policy Travel Rule - View Post-Screening Policy
ComplianceApi getScreeningFullDetails GET /screening/transaction/{txId} Provides all the compliance details for the given screened transaction.
ComplianceApi getScreeningPolicy GET /screening/travel_rule/screening_policy Travel Rule - View Screening Policy
ComplianceApi retryRejectedTransactionBypassScreeningChecks POST /screening/transaction/{txId}/bypass_screening_policy Calling the "Bypass Screening Policy" API endpoint triggers a new transaction, with the API user as the initiator, bypassing the screening policy check
ComplianceApi updateAmlScreeningConfiguration PUT /screening/aml/policy_configuration Update AML Configuration
ComplianceApi updateScreeningConfiguration PUT /screening/configurations Tenant - Screening Configuration
ComplianceApi updateTravelRuleConfig PUT /screening/travel_rule/policy_configuration Update Travel Rule Configuration
ComplianceScreeningConfigurationApi getAmlScreeningConfiguration GET /screening/aml/policy_configuration Get AML Screening Policy Configuration
ComplianceScreeningConfigurationApi getScreeningConfiguration GET /screening/travel_rule/policy_configuration Get Travel Rule Screening Policy Configuration
ConsoleUserApi createConsoleUser POST /management/users Create console user
ConsoleUserApi getConsoleUsers GET /management/users Get console users
ContractInteractionsApi getDeployedContractAbi GET /contract_interactions/base_asset_id/{baseAssetId}/contract_address/{contractAddress}/functions Return deployed contract's ABI
ContractInteractionsApi getTransactionReceipt GET /contract_interactions/base_asset_id/{baseAssetId}/tx_hash/{txHash}/receipt Get transaction receipt
ContractInteractionsApi readCallFunction POST /contract_interactions/base_asset_id/{baseAssetId}/contract_address/{contractAddress}/functions/read Call a read function on a deployed contract
ContractInteractionsApi writeCallFunction POST /contract_interactions/base_asset_id/{baseAssetId}/contract_address/{contractAddress}/functions/write Call a write function on a deployed contract
ContractTemplatesApi deleteContractTemplateById DELETE /tokenization/templates/{contractTemplateId} Delete a contract template by id
ContractTemplatesApi deployContract POST /tokenization/templates/{contractTemplateId}/deploy Deploy contract
ContractTemplatesApi getConstructorByContractTemplateId GET /tokenization/templates/{contractTemplateId}/constructor Return contract template's constructor
ContractTemplatesApi getContractTemplateById GET /tokenization/templates/{contractTemplateId} Return contract template by id
ContractTemplatesApi getContractTemplates GET /tokenization/templates List all contract templates
ContractTemplatesApi getFunctionAbiByContractTemplateId GET /tokenization/templates/{contractTemplateId}/function Return contract template's function
ContractTemplatesApi uploadContractTemplate POST /tokenization/templates Upload contract template
ContractsApi addContractAsset POST /contracts/{contractId}/{assetId} Add an asset to a contract
ContractsApi createContract POST /contracts Create a contract
ContractsApi deleteContract DELETE /contracts/{contractId} Delete a contract
ContractsApi deleteContractAsset DELETE /contracts/{contractId}/{assetId} Delete a contract asset
ContractsApi getContract GET /contracts/{contractId} Find a specific contract
ContractsApi getContractAsset GET /contracts/{contractId}/{assetId} Find a contract asset
ContractsApi getContracts GET /contracts List contracts
CosignersBetaApi addCosigner POST /cosigners Add cosigner
CosignersBetaApi getApiKey GET /cosigners/{cosignerId}/api_keys/{apiKeyId} Get API key
CosignersBetaApi getApiKeys GET /cosigners/{cosignerId}/api_keys Get all API keys
CosignersBetaApi getCosigner GET /cosigners/{cosignerId} Get cosigner
CosignersBetaApi getCosigners GET /cosigners Get all cosigners
CosignersBetaApi getRequestStatus GET /cosigners/{cosignerId}/api_keys/{apiKeyId}/{requestId} Get request status
CosignersBetaApi pairApiKey PUT /cosigners/{cosignerId}/api_keys/{apiKeyId} Pair API key
CosignersBetaApi renameCosigner PATCH /cosigners/{cosignerId} Rename cosigner
CosignersBetaApi unpairApiKey DELETE /cosigners/{cosignerId}/api_keys/{apiKeyId} Unpair API key
CosignersBetaApi updateCallbackHandler PATCH /cosigners/{cosignerId}/api_keys/{apiKeyId} Update API key callback handler
DeployedContractsApi addContractABI POST /tokenization/contracts/abi Save contract ABI
DeployedContractsApi fetchContractAbi POST /tokenization/contracts/fetch_abi Fetch the contract ABI
DeployedContractsApi getDeployedContractByAddress GET /tokenization/contracts/{assetId}/{contractAddress} Return deployed contract data
DeployedContractsApi getDeployedContractById GET /tokenization/contracts/{id} Return deployed contract data by id
DeployedContractsApi getDeployedContracts GET /tokenization/contracts List deployed contracts data
EmbeddedWalletsApi getPublicKeyInfoForAddressNcw GET /ncw/{walletId}/accounts/{accountId}/{assetId}/{change}/{addressIndex}/public_key_info Get the public key of an asset
EmbeddedWalletsApi getPublicKeyInfoNcw GET /ncw/{walletId}/public_key_info Get the public key for a derivation path
ExchangeAccountsApi addExchangeAccount POST /exchange_accounts Add an exchange account
ExchangeAccountsApi convertAssets POST /exchange_accounts/{exchangeAccountId}/convert Convert exchange account funds from the source asset to the destination asset.
ExchangeAccountsApi getExchangeAccount GET /exchange_accounts/{exchangeAccountId} Find a specific exchange account
ExchangeAccountsApi getExchangeAccountAsset GET /exchange_accounts/{exchangeAccountId}/{assetId} Find an asset for an exchange account
ExchangeAccountsApi getExchangeAccountsCredentialsPublicKey GET /exchange_accounts/credentials_public_key Get public key to encrypt exchange credentials
ExchangeAccountsApi getPagedExchangeAccounts GET /exchange_accounts/paged Pagination list exchange accounts
ExchangeAccountsApi internalTransfer POST /exchange_accounts/{exchangeAccountId}/internal_transfer Internal transfer for exchange accounts
ExternalWalletsApi addAssetToExternalWallet POST /external_wallets/{walletId}/{assetId} Add an asset to an external wallet.
ExternalWalletsApi createExternalWallet POST /external_wallets Create an external wallet
ExternalWalletsApi deleteExternalWallet DELETE /external_wallets/{walletId} Delete an external wallet
ExternalWalletsApi getExternalWallet GET /external_wallets/{walletId} Find an external wallet
ExternalWalletsApi getExternalWalletAsset GET /external_wallets/{walletId}/{assetId} Get an asset from an external wallet
ExternalWalletsApi getExternalWallets GET /external_wallets List external wallets
ExternalWalletsApi removeAssetFromExternalWallet DELETE /external_wallets/{walletId}/{assetId} Delete an asset from an external wallet
ExternalWalletsApi setExternalWalletCustomerRefId POST /external_wallets/{walletId}/set_customer_ref_id Set an AML customer reference ID for an external wallet
FiatAccountsApi depositFundsFromLinkedDDA POST /fiat_accounts/{accountId}/deposit_from_linked_dda Deposit funds from DDA
FiatAccountsApi getFiatAccount GET /fiat_accounts/{accountId} Find a specific fiat account
FiatAccountsApi getFiatAccounts GET /fiat_accounts List fiat accounts
FiatAccountsApi redeemFundsToLinkedDDA POST /fiat_accounts/{accountId}/redeem_to_linked_dda Redeem funds to DDA
GasStationsApi getGasStationByAssetId GET /gas_station/{assetId} Get gas station settings by asset
GasStationsApi getGasStationInfo GET /gas_station Get gas station settings
GasStationsApi updateGasStationConfiguration PUT /gas_station/configuration Edit gas station settings
GasStationsApi updateGasStationConfigurationByAssetId PUT /gas_station/configuration/{assetId} Edit gas station settings for an asset
InternalWalletsApi createInternalWallet POST /internal_wallets Create an internal wallet
InternalWalletsApi createInternalWalletAsset POST /internal_wallets/{walletId}/{assetId} Add an asset to an internal wallet
InternalWalletsApi deleteInternalWallet DELETE /internal_wallets/{walletId} Delete an internal wallet
InternalWalletsApi deleteInternalWalletAsset DELETE /internal_wallets/{walletId}/{assetId} Delete a whitelisted address
InternalWalletsApi getInternalWallet GET /internal_wallets/{walletId} Get an asset from an internal wallet
InternalWalletsApi getInternalWalletAsset GET /internal_wallets/{walletId}/{assetId} Get an asset from an internal wallet
InternalWalletsApi getInternalWalletAssetsPaginated GET /internal_wallets/{walletId}/assets List assets in an internal wallet (Paginated)
InternalWalletsApi getInternalWallets GET /internal_wallets List internal wallets
InternalWalletsApi setCustomerRefIdForInternalWallet POST /internal_wallets/{walletId}/set_customer_ref_id Set an AML/KYT customer reference ID for an internal wallet
JobManagementApi cancelJob POST /batch/{jobId}/cancel Cancel a running job
JobManagementApi continueJob POST /batch/{jobId}/continue Continue a paused job
JobManagementApi getJob GET /batch/{jobId} Get job details
JobManagementApi getJobTasks GET /batch/{jobId}/tasks Return a list of tasks for given job
JobManagementApi getJobs GET /batch/jobs Return a list of jobs belonging to tenant
JobManagementApi pauseJob POST /batch/{jobId}/pause Pause a job
KeyLinkBetaApi createSigningKey POST /key_link/signing_keys Add a new signing key
KeyLinkBetaApi createValidationKey POST /key_link/validation_keys Add a new validation key
KeyLinkBetaApi disableValidationKey PATCH /key_link/validation_keys/{keyId} Disables a validation key
KeyLinkBetaApi getSigningKey GET /key_link/signing_keys/{keyId} Get a signing key by `keyId`
KeyLinkBetaApi getSigningKeysList GET /key_link/signing_keys Get list of signing keys
KeyLinkBetaApi getValidationKey GET /key_link/validation_keys/{keyId} Get a validation key by `keyId`
KeyLinkBetaApi getValidationKeysList GET /key_link/validation_keys Get list of registered validation keys
KeyLinkBetaApi setAgentId PATCH /key_link/signing_keys/{keyId}/agent_user_id Set agent user id that can sign with the signing key identified by the Fireblocks provided `keyId`
KeyLinkBetaApi updateSigningKey PATCH /key_link/signing_keys/{keyId} Modify the signing by Fireblocks provided `keyId`
KeysBetaApi getMpcKeysList GET /keys/mpc/list Get list of mpc keys
KeysBetaApi getMpcKeysListByUser GET /keys/mpc/list/{userId} Get list of mpc keys by `userId`
NFTsApi getNFT GET /nfts/tokens/{id} List token data by ID
NFTsApi getNFTs GET /nfts/tokens List tokens by IDs
NFTsApi getOwnershipTokens GET /nfts/ownership/tokens List all owned tokens (paginated)
NFTsApi listOwnedCollections GET /nfts/ownership/collections List owned collections (paginated)
NFTsApi listOwnedTokens GET /nfts/ownership/assets List all distinct owned tokens (paginated)
NFTsApi refreshNFTMetadata PUT /nfts/tokens/{id} Refresh token metadata
NFTsApi updateOwnershipTokens PUT /nfts/ownership/tokens Refresh vault account tokens
NFTsApi updateTokenOwnershipStatus PUT /nfts/ownership/tokens/{id}/status Update token ownership status
NFTsApi updateTokensOwnershipSpam PUT /nfts/ownership/tokens/spam Update tokens ownership spam property
NFTsApi updateTokensOwnershipStatus PUT /nfts/ownership/tokens/status Update tokens ownership status
NetworkConnectionsApi checkThirdPartyRouting GET /network_connections/{connectionId}/is_third_party_routing/{assetType} Retrieve third-party network routing validation by asset type.
NetworkConnectionsApi createNetworkConnection POST /network_connections Creates a new network connection
NetworkConnectionsApi createNetworkId POST /network_ids Creates a new Network ID
NetworkConnectionsApi deleteNetworkConnection DELETE /network_connections/{connectionId} Deletes a network connection by ID
NetworkConnectionsApi deleteNetworkId DELETE /network_ids/{networkId} Deletes specific network ID.
NetworkConnectionsApi getNetwork GET /network_connections/{connectionId} Get a network connection
NetworkConnectionsApi getNetworkConnections GET /network_connections List network connections
NetworkConnectionsApi getNetworkId GET /network_ids/{networkId} Returns specific network ID.
NetworkConnectionsApi getNetworkIds GET /network_ids Returns all network IDs, both local IDs and discoverable remote IDs
NetworkConnectionsApi getRoutingPolicyAssetGroups GET /network_ids/routing_policy_asset_groups Returns all enabled routing policy asset groups
NetworkConnectionsApi searchNetworkIds GET /network_ids/search Search network IDs, both local IDs and discoverable remote IDs
NetworkConnectionsApi setNetworkIdDiscoverability PATCH /network_ids/{networkId}/set_discoverability Update network ID's discoverability.
NetworkConnectionsApi setNetworkIdName PATCH /network_ids/{networkId}/set_name Update network ID's name.
NetworkConnectionsApi setNetworkIdRoutingPolicy PATCH /network_ids/{networkId}/set_routing_policy Update network id routing policy.
NetworkConnectionsApi setRoutingPolicy PATCH /network_connections/{connectionId}/set_routing_policy Update network connection routing policy.
OTABetaApi getOtaStatus GET /management/ota Returns current OTA status
OTABetaApi setOtaStatus PUT /management/ota Enable or disable transactions to OTA
OffExchangesApi addOffExchange POST /off_exchange/add add collateral
OffExchangesApi getOffExchangeCollateralAccounts GET /off_exchange/collateral_accounts/{mainExchangeAccountId} Find a specific collateral exchange account
OffExchangesApi getOffExchangeSettlementTransactions GET /off_exchange/settlements/transactions get settlements transactions from exchange
OffExchangesApi removeOffExchange POST /off_exchange/remove remove collateral
OffExchangesApi settleOffExchangeTrades POST /off_exchange/settlements/trader create settlement for a trader
PaymentsPayoutApi createPayout POST /payments/payout Create a payout instruction set
PaymentsPayoutApi executePayoutAction POST /payments/payout/{payoutId}/actions/execute Execute a payout instruction set
PaymentsPayoutApi getPayout GET /payments/payout/{payoutId} Get the status of a payout instruction set
PolicyEditorBetaApi getActivePolicy GET /tap/active_policy Get the active policy and its validation
PolicyEditorBetaApi getDraft GET /tap/draft Get the active draft
PolicyEditorBetaApi publishDraft POST /tap/draft Send publish request for a certain draft id
PolicyEditorBetaApi publishPolicyRules POST /tap/publish Send publish request for a set of policy rules
PolicyEditorBetaApi updateDraft PUT /tap/draft Update the draft with a new set of rules
ResetDeviceApi resetDevice POST /management/users/{id}/reset_device Resets device
SmartTransferApi approveDvPTicketTerm PUT /smart_transfers/{ticketId}/terms/{termId}/dvp/approve Define funding source and give approve to contract to transfer asset
SmartTransferApi cancelTicket PUT /smart-transfers/{ticketId}/cancel Cancel Ticket
SmartTransferApi createTicket POST /smart-transfers Create Ticket
SmartTransferApi createTicketTerm POST /smart-transfers/{ticketId}/terms Create leg (term)
SmartTransferApi findTicketById GET /smart-transfers/{ticketId} Search Tickets by ID
SmartTransferApi findTicketTermById GET /smart-transfers/{ticketId}/terms/{termId} Search ticket by leg (term) ID
SmartTransferApi fulfillTicket PUT /smart-transfers/{ticketId}/fulfill Fund ticket manually
SmartTransferApi fundDvpTicket PUT /smart_transfers/{ticketId}/dvp/fund Fund dvp ticket
SmartTransferApi fundTicketTerm PUT /smart-transfers/{ticketId}/terms/{termId}/fund Define funding source
SmartTransferApi getSmartTransferStatistic GET /smart_transfers/statistic Get smart transfers statistic
SmartTransferApi getSmartTransferUserGroups GET /smart-transfers/settings/user-groups Get user group
SmartTransferApi manuallyFundTicketTerm PUT /smart-transfers/{ticketId}/terms/{termId}/manually-fund Manually add term transaction
SmartTransferApi removeTicketTerm DELETE /smart-transfers/{ticketId}/terms/{termId} Delete ticket leg (term)
SmartTransferApi searchTickets GET /smart-transfers Find Ticket
SmartTransferApi setExternalRefId PUT /smart-transfers/{ticketId}/external-id Add external ref. ID
SmartTransferApi setTicketExpiration PUT /smart-transfers/{ticketId}/expires-in Set expiration
SmartTransferApi setUserGroups POST /smart-transfers/settings/user-groups Set user group
SmartTransferApi submitTicket PUT /smart-transfers/{ticketId}/submit Submit ticket
SmartTransferApi updateTicketTerm PUT /smart-transfers/{ticketId}/terms/{termId} Update ticket leg (term)
StakingApi approveTermsOfServiceByProviderId POST /staking/providers/{providerId}/approveTermsOfService Approve staking terms of service
StakingApi claimRewards POST /staking/chains/{chainDescriptor}/claim_rewards Execute a Claim Rewards operation
StakingApi getAllDelegations GET /staking/positions List staking positions details
StakingApi getChainInfo GET /staking/chains/{chainDescriptor}/chainInfo Get chain-specific staking summary
StakingApi getChains GET /staking/chains List staking supported chains
StakingApi getDelegationById GET /staking/positions/{id} Get staking position details
StakingApi getProviders GET /staking/providers List staking providers details
StakingApi getSummary GET /staking/positions/summary Get staking summary details
StakingApi getSummaryByVault GET /staking/positions/summary/vaults Get staking summary details by vault
StakingApi split POST /staking/chains/{chainDescriptor}/split Execute a Split operation on SOL/SOL_TEST stake account
StakingApi stake POST /staking/chains/{chainDescriptor}/stake Initiate Stake Operation
StakingApi unstake POST /staking/chains/{chainDescriptor}/unstake Execute an Unstake operation
StakingApi withdraw POST /staking/chains/{chainDescriptor}/withdraw Execute a Withdraw operation
TokenizationApi burnCollectionToken POST /tokenization/collections/{id}/tokens/burn Burn tokens
TokenizationApi createNewCollection POST /tokenization/collections Create a new collection
TokenizationApi fetchCollectionTokenDetails GET /tokenization/collections/{id}/tokens/{tokenId} Get collection token details
TokenizationApi getCollectionById GET /tokenization/collections/{id} Get a collection by id
TokenizationApi getLinkedCollections GET /tokenization/collections Get collections
TokenizationApi getLinkedToken GET /tokenization/tokens/{id} Return a linked token
TokenizationApi getLinkedTokens GET /tokenization/tokens List all linked tokens
TokenizationApi issueNewToken POST /tokenization/tokens Issue a new token
TokenizationApi link POST /tokenization/tokens/link Link a contract
TokenizationApi mintCollectionToken POST /tokenization/collections/{id}/tokens/mint Mint tokens
TokenizationApi unlink DELETE /tokenization/tokens/{id} Unlink a token
TokenizationApi unlinkCollection DELETE /tokenization/collections/{id} Delete a collection link
TransactionsApi cancelTransaction POST /transactions/{txId}/cancel Cancel a transaction
TransactionsApi createTransaction POST /transactions Create a new transaction
TransactionsApi dropTransaction POST /transactions/{txId}/drop Drop ETH transaction by ID
TransactionsApi estimateNetworkFee GET /estimate_network_fee Estimate the required fee for an asset
TransactionsApi estimateTransactionFee POST /transactions/estimate_fee Estimate transaction fee
TransactionsApi freezeTransaction POST /transactions/{txId}/freeze Freeze a transaction
TransactionsApi getTransaction GET /transactions/{txId} Find a specific transaction by Fireblocks transaction ID
TransactionsApi getTransactionByExternalId GET /transactions/external_tx_id/{externalTxId} Find a specific transaction by external transaction ID
TransactionsApi getTransactions GET /transactions List transaction history
TransactionsApi rescanTransactionsBeta POST /transactions/rescan rescan array of transactions
TransactionsApi setConfirmationThresholdByTransactionHash POST /txHash/{txHash}/set_confirmation_threshold Set confirmation threshold by transaction hash
TransactionsApi setTransactionConfirmationThreshold POST /transactions/{txId}/set_confirmation_threshold Set confirmation threshold by transaction ID
TransactionsApi unfreezeTransaction POST /transactions/{txId}/unfreeze Unfreeze a transaction
TransactionsApi validateAddress GET /transactions/validate_address/{assetId}/{address} Validate destination address
TravelRuleApi getVASPByDID GET /screening/travel_rule/vasp/{did} Get VASP details
TravelRuleApi getVASPs GET /screening/travel_rule/vasp Get All VASPs
TravelRuleApi getVaspForVault GET /screening/travel_rule/vault/{vaultAccountId}/vasp Get assigned VASP to vault
TravelRuleApi setVaspForVault POST /screening/travel_rule/vault/{vaultAccountId}/vasp Assign VASP to vault
TravelRuleApi updateVasp PUT /screening/travel_rule/vasp/update Add jsonDidKey to VASP details
TravelRuleApi validateFullTravelRuleTransaction POST /screening/travel_rule/transaction/validate/full Validate Full Travel Rule Transaction
UserGroupsBetaApi createUserGroup POST /management/user_groups Create user group
UserGroupsBetaApi deleteUserGroup DELETE /management/user_groups/{groupId} Delete user group
UserGroupsBetaApi getUserGroup GET /management/user_groups/{groupId} Get user group
UserGroupsBetaApi getUserGroups GET /management/user_groups List user groups
UserGroupsBetaApi updateUserGroup PUT /management/user_groups/{groupId} Update user group
UsersApi getUsers GET /users List users
VaultsApi activateAssetForVaultAccount POST /vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId}/{assetId}/activate Activate a wallet in a vault account
VaultsApi createLegacyAddress POST /vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId}/{assetId}/addresses/{addressId}/create_legacy Convert a segwit address to legacy format
VaultsApi createMultipleAccounts POST /vault/accounts/bulk Bulk creation of new vault accounts
VaultsApi createVaultAccount POST /vault/accounts Create a new vault account
VaultsApi createVaultAccountAsset POST /vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId}/{assetId} Create a new wallet
VaultsApi createVaultAccountAssetAddress POST /vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId}/{assetId}/addresses Create new asset deposit address
VaultsApi getAssetWallets GET /vault/asset_wallets List asset wallets (Paginated)
VaultsApi getMaxSpendableAmount GET /vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId}/{assetId}/max_spendable_amount Get the maximum spendable amount in a single transaction.
VaultsApi getPagedVaultAccounts GET /vault/accounts_paged List vault accounts (Paginated)
VaultsApi getPublicKeyInfo GET /vault/public_key_info Get the public key information
VaultsApi getPublicKeyInfoForAddress GET /vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId}/{assetId}/{change}/{addressIndex}/public_key_info Get the public key for a vault account
VaultsApi getUnspentInputs GET /vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId}/{assetId}/unspent_inputs Get UTXO unspent inputs information
VaultsApi getVaultAccount GET /vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId} Find a vault account by ID
VaultsApi getVaultAccountAsset GET /vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId}/{assetId} Get the asset balance for a vault account
VaultsApi getVaultAccountAssetAddressesPaginated GET /vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId}/{assetId}/addresses_paginated List addresses (Paginated)
VaultsApi getVaultAssets GET /vault/assets Get asset balance for chosen assets
VaultsApi getVaultBalanceByAsset GET /vault/assets/{assetId} Get vault balance by asset
VaultsApi hideVaultAccount POST /vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId}/hide Hide a vault account in the console
VaultsApi setCustomerRefIdForAddress POST /vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId}/{assetId}/addresses/{addressId}/set_customer_ref_id Assign AML customer reference ID
VaultsApi setVaultAccountAutoFuel POST /vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId}/set_auto_fuel Turn autofueling on or off
VaultsApi setVaultAccountCustomerRefId POST /vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId}/set_customer_ref_id Set an AML/KYT customer reference ID for a vault account
VaultsApi unhideVaultAccount POST /vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId}/unhide Unhide a vault account in the console
VaultsApi updateVaultAccount PUT /vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId} Rename a vault account
VaultsApi updateVaultAccountAssetAddress PUT /vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId}/{assetId}/addresses/{addressId} Update address description
VaultsApi updateVaultAccountAssetBalance POST /vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId}/{assetId}/balance Refresh asset balance data
Web3ConnectionsApi create POST /connections/wc Create a new Web3 connection.
Web3ConnectionsApi get GET /connections List all open Web3 connections.
Web3ConnectionsApi remove DELETE /connections/wc/{id} Remove an existing Web3 connection.
Web3ConnectionsApi submit PUT /connections/wc/{id} Respond to a pending Web3 connection request.
WebhooksApi resendTransactionWebhooks POST /webhooks/resend/{txId} Resend failed webhooks for a transaction by ID
WebhooksApi resendWebhooks POST /webhooks/resend Resend failed webhooks
WebhooksV2BetaApi createWebhook POST /webhooks Create new webhook
WebhooksV2BetaApi deleteWebhook DELETE /webhooks/{webhookId} Delete webhook
WebhooksV2BetaApi getNotification GET /webhooks/{webhookId}/notifications/{notificationId} Get notification by id
WebhooksV2BetaApi getNotifications GET /webhooks/{webhookId}/notifications Get all notifications by webhook id
WebhooksV2BetaApi getWebhook GET /webhooks/{webhookId} Get webhook by id
WebhooksV2BetaApi getWebhooks GET /webhooks Get all webhooks
WebhooksV2BetaApi resendNotificationById POST /webhooks/{webhookId}/notifications/{notificationId}/resend Resend notification by id
WebhooksV2BetaApi updateWebhook PATCH /webhooks/{webhookId} Update webhook
WhitelistIpAddressesApi getWhitelistIpAddresses GET /management/api_users/{userId}/whitelist_ip_addresses Gets whitelisted ip addresses
WorkspaceStatusBetaApi getWorkspaceStatus GET /management/workspace_status Returns current workspace status

Documentation for Models

Documentation For Authorization

Authentication schemes defined for the API:


  • Type: Bearer authentication (JWT)


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: X-API-Key
  • Location: HTTP header


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