A cross-platform developer environment tool extending Pingap with Laravel Valet feature parity
graph TD
A[Product] --> B1[Feature 1]
A --> B2[Feature 2]
B1 --> C1[Requirement 1.1]
B1 --> C2[Requirement 1.2]
C1 --> D1[Need 1.1.1]
C1 --> D2[Need 1.1.2]
D1 --> E1[Test Case]
D1 --> E2[Test Case]
Optimize Progression Rate
- β Single need progression per iteration preferred
- π Value consistent progress over batch progress
- π― Minimize code surface area per iteration
Minimize Regression Risk
- π‘οΈ Small, focused test cases
- π Clear test boundaries
- π« Avoid premature complexity
Development Flow Optimization
graph LR A[Review Requirements] --> B[Identify Next Need] B --> C[Create Single Test] C --> D[Implement Solution] D --> E[Verify Success] E --> A
Approach | Iterations | Progress Pattern | Risk Level |
Single Need Focus | 3 | +1, +1, +1 | Low |
Batch Implementation | 3 | -1, +0, +3 | High |
Preferred Approach (Single Need):
// Iteration 1
fn test_basic_dns_resolution() {
let dns = DnsResolver::new();
// Implementation: Basic DNS resolution only
// Iteration 2
fn test_wildcard_support() {
let dns = DnsResolver::new();
// Implementation: Add wildcard support
// Iteration 3
fn test_cache_behavior() {
let dns = DnsResolver::new();
// Implementation: Add caching
Higher Risk Approach (Batch):
// Iteration 1 - All tests added
fn test_dns_full_feature() {
let dns = DnsResolver::new();
// Implementation attempt: All features at once
// Result: Likely regression due to complexity
Features are implemented in order of dependencies, from foundational to integrated
Layer | Requirement | Tests | Dependencies |
Foundation | User-space DNS | test_dns_resolution_without_root |
None |
Core | Wildcard Domains | test_wildcard_subdomain_resolution |
User-space DNS |
Integration | Hickory DNS | test_dns_server_starts |
Wildcard Domains |
Layer | Requirement | Tests | Dependencies |
Foundation | Local CA | test_ca_generation |
DNS Resolution |
Core | Cert Generation | test_cert_generation |
Local CA |
Integration | Trust Store | test_platform_trust_store |
Cert Generation |
Layer | Requirement | Tests | Dependencies |
Foundation | Type Detection | test_detect_project_type |
None |
Core | Worker Pools | test_worker_creation |
Type Detection |
Integration | Hot Reload | test_file_watch |
Worker Pools |
Layer | Requirement | Tests | Dependencies |
Foundation | Shell Integration | test_shell_integration |
None |
Core | Link Command | test_link_command |
Shell Integration |
Integration | Secure Command | test_secure_command |
Link Command, Certificates |
/// Test tracking attribute macro for automated metrics collection
fn test_dns_resolution() {
let resolver = DnsResolver::new();
// src/test_utils/tracking.rs
pub fn track_test(_attr: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let input = parse_macro_input!(item as ItemFn);
let name = &input.sig.ident;
let block = &input.block;
quote! {
fn #name() {
use std::time::Instant;
let start = Instant::now();
// Execute test and capture metrics
let result = std::panic::catch_unwind(|| #block);
let duration = start.elapsed();
// Log structured metrics
TEST_METRICS.record_test(TestMetrics {
name: stringify!(#name),
duration_ms: duration.as_millis(),
passed: result.is_ok(),
feature: env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME"),
requirement: file!(),
if let Err(err) = result {
# .cursorrules
version = "1.0.0"
last_updated = "2024-03-15T10:30:00Z"
min_rate = 0.95 # 95% of iterations must progress
max_regression_rate = 0.05 # No more than 5% regressions
single_need_focus = true # Default to single need per iteration
adaptive_batch_size = true # Allow AI to adjust batch size based on success rate
# Thresholds for AI decision-making
high_success_threshold = 0.98 # Consider increasing batch size above this
low_success_threshold = 0.90 # Force single-need focus below this
min_iterations_before_adapt = 5 # Minimum iterations before allowing adaptation
collect_timing = true # Track execution time per test
collect_dependencies = true # Track inter-test dependencies
collect_complexity = true # Track code complexity metrics
store_history = true # Keep historical progression data
order = [
"dns_resolution", # Foundation feature
"certificate_management", # Depends on DNS
"project_management", # Independent core
"cli_interface" # Integrates all features
status = "in_progress"
priority = 1
completion = 0.45 # 45% complete
status = "completed"
needs = [
{ id = "resolve_local", tests = ["test_basic_dns_resolution"], completed = true },
{ id = "handle_errors", tests = ["test_dns_error_cases"], completed = true },
{ id = "validate_input", tests = ["test_dns_input_validation"], completed = true }
progression_rate = 1.0 # Perfect progression
regression_count = 0
average_iteration_time = 125 # milliseconds
status = "in_progress"
needs = [
{ id = "wildcard_matching", tests = ["test_wildcard_resolution"], completed = true },
{ id = "subdomain_handling", tests = ["test_subdomain_cascade"], completed = false }
progression_rate = 0.75 # Some regressions during implementation
regression_count = 1
average_iteration_time = 180 # milliseconds
# AI agent decision-making configuration
condition = "progression_rate >= 0.98 && last_5_iterations_clean"
action = "increase_batch_size"
max_batch_size = 3
condition = "regression_rate >= 0.05 || consecutive_regressions >= 2"
action = "enforce_single_need"
cool_down_iterations = 5
condition = "complexity_increase > 20% && progression_rate < 0.95"
action = "suggest_refactor"
priority = "high"
# Metrics collection for AI decision-making
type = "test_execution"
fields = [
type = "code_analysis"
fields = [
# Historical context for AI learning
store_decisions = true
store_outcomes = true
adaptation_window = 10 # iterations
success_metrics = [
# Detailed reporting configuration
name = "Progression Rate"
type = "rolling_average"
window = 10
alert_threshold = 0.90
name = "Regression Impact"
type = "cumulative"
reset_on = "feature_completion"
type = "progression_graph"
update_frequency = "real_time"
include_predictions = true
pre_test = [
post_test = [
// src/test_runner/context.rs
pub struct TestContext {
pub feature: FeatureContext,
pub metrics: MetricsCollector,
pub ai_feedback: AIFeedbackCollector,
impl TestContext {
pub fn record_iteration(&mut self, result: TestResult) {
// Update progression/regression metrics
// Collect AI-relevant context
// Adjust strategy if needed
if self.should_adjust_strategy() {
fn should_adjust_strategy(&self) -> bool {
let metrics = self.metrics.get_recent_metrics(5);
// AI decision making based on recent performance
metrics.progression_rate() >= 0.98 ||
metrics.regression_rate() >= 0.05 ||
fn adjust_test_strategy(&mut self) {
let recommendation = self.ai_feedback.get_strategy_recommendation();
match recommendation {
Strategy::IncreaseBatchSize(n) => self.feature.set_max_batch_size(n),
Strategy::EnforceSingleNeed => self.feature.enforce_single_need(),
Strategy::SuggestRefactor => self.feature.mark_for_refactor(),
// src/test_runner/metrics.rs
pub struct MetricsCollector {
history: VecDeque<TestMetrics>,
current_feature: FeatureMetrics,
impl MetricsCollector {
pub fn record_test(&mut self, metrics: TestMetrics) {
// Record raw metrics
// Update feature-specific metrics
// Trigger AI feedback collection
fn collect_ai_feedback(&self, metrics: &TestMetrics) {
// Calculate progression indicators
let progression_rate = self.calculate_progression_rate();
let complexity_delta = self.calculate_complexity_delta();
// Feed into AI decision making
AI_AGENT.feed_metrics(AIMetrics {
test_duration: metrics.duration_ms,
code_coverage: metrics.coverage,
// src/test_harness/mod.rs
use libtest_mimic::{Trial, Conclusion};
pub struct TestHarness {
rules: RulesEngine,
metrics: MetricsCollector,
impl TestHarness {
pub fn run_tests(&mut self) -> Conclusion {
let trials = self.collect_trials();
for trial in trials {
let result = self.run_single_trial(trial);
// Enforce progression rules
if !self.rules.verify_progression(&self.metrics) {
return Conclusion::Failed;
// cargo-xtask implementation
fn main() {
let harness = TestHarness::new();
let result = harness.run_tests();
// Generate metrics report
println!("Test Progression Report");
println!("Total Iterations: {}", result.iterations);
println!("Progression Rate: {:.2}%", result.progression_rate * 100.0);
println!("Regression Rate: {:.2}%", result.regression_rate * 100.0);
// Feature-specific metrics
for feature in result.features {
println!("\nFeature: {}", feature.name);
println!(" Completed Needs: {}/{}", feature.completed_needs, feature.total_needs);
println!(" Current Status: {}", feature.status);
std::process::exit(if result.rules_satisfied { 0 } else { 1 });
// Example of a complete feature implementation flow
mod dns_resolution_tests {
// Foundation Layer (Single Need Focus)
fn test_basic_resolution() {
let dns = DnsResolver::new();
// Core Layer (After Foundation Complete)
#[ignore = "Requires foundation completion"]
fn test_wildcard_support() {
let dns = DnsResolver::new();
// Integration Layer (After Core Complete)
#[ignore = "Requires core completion"]
fn test_caching() {
let dns = DnsResolver::new();
# .github/workflows/test-progression.yml
name: Test Progression Verification
on: [push, pull_request]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1
toolchain: stable
- name: Run Test Harness
run: cargo xtask test-progression
- name: Upload Metrics
if: always()
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
name: test-metrics
path: target/test-metrics.json
title DNS Resolution Progress
dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD
section Foundation
Basic Resolution :done, des1, 2024-03-01, 2024-03-02
Error Handling :active, des2, 2024-03-02, 2024-03-03
section Core
Wildcard Support : des3, after des2, 2d
Cache Layer : des4, after des3, 2d
Feature | Need | Status | Iterations | Regressions | Notes |
DNS | Basic Resolution | β | 1 | 0 | Clean progression |
DNS | Wildcard | β³ | 2 | 1 | Needed refactor |
DNS | Caching | π | - | - | Not started |
// 1. DNS Management
pub trait DevDnsManager: Send + Sync {
async fn start_service(&self) -> Result<()>;
async fn update_mapping(&self, domain: &str, ip: &str) -> Result<()>;
// 2. Certificate Management
pub trait DevCertManager: Send + Sync {
async fn secure_site(&self, domain: &str) -> Result<()>;
async fn trust_certificate(&self, domain: &str) -> Result<()>;
// 3. Project Management
pub trait ProjectManager: Send + Sync {
fn detect_project_type(&self, path: &Path) -> ProjectType;
async fn create_worker_pool(&self, project: &SiteConfig) -> Result<WorkerPool>;
Feature | Metric | Target |
DNS Resolution | Lookup Time | < 1ms |
Certificate Generation | Generation Time | < 5s |
Hot Reload | Detection Time | < 2s |
DNS Resolution
- Foundation Layer
- Core Layer
- Integration Layer
Certificate Management
- Foundation Layer
- Core Layer
- Integration Layer
Project Management
- Foundation Layer
- Core Layer
- Integration Layer
CLI Interface
- Foundation Layer
- Core Layer
- Integration Layer