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Feature management for developers

Manage your feature flags and experiments declaratively from the comfort of your Git workflow.


This repository is a port of the Featurevisor JavaScript SDK to Swift.


Swift Package Manager

The Swift Package Manager is a tool for automating the distribution of Swift code and is integrated into the swift compiler.

Once you have your Swift package set up, adding Featurevisor as a dependency is as easy as adding it to the dependencies value of your Package.swift.

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "X.Y.Z"))


Setting up Featurevisor SDK

We would like to be able to set up the Featurevisor SDK instance once and reuse the same instance everywhere.

The SDK can be initialized in two different ways depending on your needs.


You can fetch the datafile content on your own and just pass it via options.

import FeaturevisorSDK

let datafileContent: DatafileContent = ...
var options: InstanceOptions = .default
options.datafile = datafileContent

let f = try createInstance(options: options)


If you want to delegate the responsibility of fetching the datafile to the SDK.

import FeaturevisorSDK

var options: InstanceOptions = .default
options.datafileUrl = "" 
let f = try createInstance(options: options)

If you need to take further control on how the datafile is fetched, you can pass a custom handleDatafileFetch function

public typealias DatafileFetchHandler = (_ datafileUrl: String) -> Result<DatafileContent, Error>
import FeaturevisorSDK

var options: InstanceOptions = .default
options.handleDatafileFetch = { datafileUrl in
    // you need to return here Result<DatafileContent, Error>
let f = try createInstance(options: options)


Contexts are a set of attribute values that we pass to SDK for evaluating features.

They are objects where keys are the attribute keys, and values are the attribute values.

public enum AttributeValue {
    case string(String)
    case integer(Int)
    case double(Double)
    case boolean(Bool)
    case date(Date)
let context = [
  "myAttributeKey": .string("myStringAttributeValue"),
  "anotherAttributeKey": .double(0.999),

Checking if enabled

Once the SDK is initialized, you can check if a feature is enabled or not:

let featureKey = "my_feature";
let context = [
    "userId": .string("123"),
    "country": .string("nl")

let isEnabled = f.isEnabled(featureKey: featureKey, context: context)

Getting variations

If your feature has any variations defined, you can get evaluate them as follows

let featureKey = "my_feature";
let context = [
    "userId": .string("123")

let variation = f.getVariation(featureKey: featureKey, context: context)

Getting variables

let featureKey = "my_feature";
let variableKey = "color"
let context = [
    "userId": .string("123")
let variable: VariableValue? = f.getVariable(featureKey: featureKey, variableKey: variableKey, context: context)

Type specific methods


let booleanVariable: Bool? = f.getVariableBoolean(featureKey: FeatureKey, variableKey: VariableKey, context: Context)


let stringVariable: String? = f.getVariableString(featureKey: FeatureKey, variableKey: VariableKey, context: Context)


let integerVariable: Int? = f.getVariableInteger(featureKey: FeatureKey, variableKey: VariableKey, context: Context)


let doubleVariable: Double? = f.getVariableDouble(featureKey: FeatureKey, variableKey: VariableKey, context: Context)

Array of strings

let arrayVariable: [String]? = f.getVariableArray(featureKey: FeatureKey, variableKey: VariableKey, context: Context)

Generic decodable object

let objectVariable: MyDecodableObject? = f.getVariableObject(featureKey: FeatureKey, variableKey: VariableKey, context: Context)

JSON object

let jsonVariable: MyJSONDecodableObject? = f.getVariableJSON(featureKey: FeatureKey, variableKey: VariableKey, context: Context)


By default, Featurevisor will log logs in console output window for warn and error levels.


let logger = createLogger(levels: [.error, .warn, .info, .debug])


let logger = createLogger(
        levels: [.error, .warn, .info, .debug],
        handle: { level, message, details in ... })

var options = InstanceOptions.default
options.logger = logger

let f = try createInstance(options: options)

Refreshing datafile

Refreshing the datafile is convenient when you want to update the datafile in runtime, for example when you want to update the feature variations and variables config without having to restart your application.

It is only possible to refresh datafile in Featurevisor if you are using the datafileUrl option when creating your SDK instance.

Manual refresh


Refresh by interval

If you want to refresh your datafile every X number of seconds, you can pass the refreshInterval option when creating your SDK instance:

import FeaturevisorSDK

var options: InstanceOptions = .default
options.datafileUrl = ""
options.refreshInterval = 30 // 30 seconds

let f = try createInstance(options: options)

You can stop the interval by calling


If you want to resume refreshing


Listening for updates

Every successful refresh will trigger the onRefresh option

import FeaturevisorSDK

var options: InstanceOptions = .default
options.datafileUrl = ""
options.onRefresh = { ... }

let f = try createInstance(options: options)

Not every refresh is going to be of a new datafile version. If you want to know if datafile content has changed in any particular refresh, you can listen to onUpdate option

import FeaturevisorSDK

var options: InstanceOptions = .default
options.datafileUrl = ""
options.onUpdate = { ... }

let f = try createInstance(options: options)


Featurevisor SDK implements a simple event emitter that allows you to listen to events that happen in the runtime.

Listening to events

You can listen to these events that can occur at various stages in your application


When the SDK is ready to be used if used in an asynchronous way involving datafileUrl option

import FeaturevisorSDK

var options: InstanceOptions = .default
options.datafileUrl = ""
options.onReady = { ... }

let f = try createInstance(options: options)

You can also synchronously check if the SDK is ready

guard f.isReady() else {
  // sdk is not ready to be used

When a feature is activated

import FeaturevisorSDK

var options: InstanceOptions = .default
options.datafileUrl = ""
options.onActivation = { ... }

let f = try createInstance(options: options)


To install it locally use below commands. Note, we use featurevisor-swift to avoid conflicts with other Featurevisor CLIs

$ cd path/to/featurevisor-swift-sdk
$ swift build -c release
$ cd .build/release
$ cp -f Featurevisor /usr/local/bin/featurevisor-swift

Now you can usage like below:

$ cd path/to/featurevisor-project-with-yamls
$ featurevisor-swift test .

To install via Swift Package Manager, you need to add it as a dependency under your Package.swift file , where X.X.X is the version which you want to use.

dependencies: [
            url: "", 
            exact: "X.X.X"

To run use below command:

$ swift run featurevisor test .

To update the swift's featurevisor use below command:

$ swift package update


If you would like to test your feature/s setup against Swift SDK you can do this by invoking the below command. Currently, it takes all features which are being supported by ios and tvos and run tests for them.

$ swift run featurevisor test .



If you are interested to see only the test specs that fail:

Example command:

$ swift run featurevisor test --only-failures .


You can measure how fast or slow your SDK evaluations are for particular features.

The --n option is used to specify the number of iterations to run the benchmark for.


To benchmark evaluating a feature itself if it is enabled or disabled via SDK's .isEnabled() method:

 featurevisor-swift benchmark \
  --environment staging \
  --feature feature_key \
  --context '{"user_id":"123"}' \
  -n 100


To benchmark evaluating a feature's variation via SDKs's .getVariation() method:

 featurevisor-swift benchmark \
  --environment staging \
  --feature feature_key \
  --context '{"user_id":"123"}' \
  --variation \
  -n 100


To benchmark evaluating a feature's variable via SDKs's .getVariable() method:

 featurevisor-swift benchmark \
  --environment staging \
  --feature feature_key \
  --variable variable_key \
  --context '{"user_id":"123"}' \
  -n 100


To learn why certain values (like feature and its variation or variables) are evaluated as they are against provided context:

 featurevisor-swift evaluate \
  --environment staging \
  --feature feature_key \
  --context '{"user_id":"123"}' \

This will show you full evaluation details helping you debug better in case of any confusion. It is similar to logging in SDKs with debug level. But here instead, we are doing it at CLI directly in our Featurevisor project without having to involve our application(s).
