Table of Contents:
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sbo-templates create easy, fast and safe templates files where can use with SlackBuilds scripts.
- Create fast and safe templates.
- Reading existing files templates for editing.
- Repairs wrong templates.
- Select editor for working (dafault is 'nano').
- Auto-import data from .info file (such as maintainer name, appllication name, version etc.)
- Warning for failed checksum.
$ tar xvf sbo-templates-<version>.tar.gz
$ cd sbo-templates-<version>
$ ./
$ pip install sbo-templates --upgrade
$ pip install sbo-templates-<version>.tar.gz
- Requires Python 2.7 or later in the 2.x series. It has been tested with Python 2.7.
- python2-pythondialog >= 3.2.2
Usage: sbo-templates <application>
Optional arguments:
--help display this help and exit
--version print version and exit

- Copyright © Dimitris Zlatanidis
- Slackware® is a Registered Trademark of Patrick Volkerding.
- Linux is a Registered Trademark of Linus Torvalds.