This gem has two additional geocoders for geokit gem, Yahoo! PlaceFinder and Google V3. Google V3 code is taken from
Support for query caching is added by using api_cache.
# Install
gem install geocoder_plus
gem install api_cache
gem install moneta
# Configuration
Add following configuration to your geokit config file:
require 'api_cache'
require 'moneta'
require 'moneta/memcache'
Geokit::Geocoders::api_cache = 604800
Geokit::Geocoders::api_cache_valid = :forever
Geokit::Geocoders::api_cache_timeout = 5 = => localhost:11211, :namespace => 'geokit')
There is a Gemfile to make running the specs easy:
bundle install
bundle exec rake
Code, write specs, send pull request, easy as pie. Thanks!
Copyright (c) 2011 Fajar A B. See LICENSE for details.