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Folders and files

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May 21, 2019
May 21, 2019
May 21, 2019
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May 21, 2019
May 21, 2019
May 21, 2019
May 21, 2019
May 21, 2019
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May 21, 2019
May 21, 2019
May 21, 2019
Nov 25, 2019
May 21, 2019
May 21, 2019
May 21, 2019
May 21, 2019

Repository files navigation

POWr home task #1

This app enables a user to login using GitHub OAuth API and save the user details once the login was successful. It also ensures that the data of the particular user was not saved before.


The app inserts the script tags into head and body sections of a powr/index.html in evil1/ repository. There is also a dummy validation that script tags where not inserted before to avoid duplication.

General detail of how the app created

  1. First I've generated the basic scaffold for the user entity rails generate scaffold user external_id:string login:string name:string jsonObject:text. That step has created a database migration, generated a model, and controller with a basic CRUD functionality
  2. rails db:migrate to apply the migration
  3. Created an index_controller.rb, index action of the controller, and views/index/index.html.erb. Configured root('index#index') option in config/routes.rb to set the index controller and action index as the default app's page
  4. The login function will be implemented using sessions. Session vars user_id and user_name will store user's id and name
  5. Pass those session vars to the view via @current_user_id and @current_user_name local variables. index view displays whether user is logged in or not, and login/logout links depending on the current state.
  6. Created logout action which simply resets the session and redirects to /
  7. According to the GitHub's docs in order to login using OAuth we need to send GET request to The only required parameter is the cliend_id. For the purpose of storing GitHub API credintials I will create an github.rb initializer under config/initializers and will put client_id and secret there. I will also include public_repo scope in order to have an access to user's public repos and implement the bonus task
  8. Created an index_helper.rb under app/helpers to put there all the miscellaneous functions
  9. Created a login action which will redirect user to GitHub's login page and add it to routes.rb
  10. Created a callback action in index controller. Mapped it to /oauth url routes.rb which is a callback url for GitHub OAuth app
  11. Created a github_access_token helper in index helper. Function utilize net/http, performs a POST request to in order to receive the access_token from OAuth API
  12. Created get_user_details method in index helper which retrieves user's details
  13. Implemented the details saving functionality. This is the end of the task itself. To ensure that the details where save correctly we can simply access the http://loclhost:3000/users

General detail of how the bonus functionality was implemented

  1. Created get_file_content method in index helper which retrieves file from git repo
  2. Created insert_script_tags method in index helper which checks the index.html file and inserts script tags if required
  3. Created update_file method in index helper which performs a commit of an updated file