This site provides with a non exhaustive list of bibliographical references produced by Eurostat staff in recent years, e.g. contributions to journals, conference publications and reports. You can quickly browse through the publications (together with shortened abstracts) at this proxy address.
Also note the online presence of some of Eurostat staff in online libraries, e.g. on Scopus, Researchgate (current staff only), Google Scholar, etc....
All Eurostat bibliographical references are listed in the BibTeX eurostatref.bib
bibliography database.
To reference Eurostat publications, you can use the source file above, for instance:
html/ : in
, like in the searchable table above. WithJabRef
bibliography reference manager, it is possible to produce such a table by adopting the layout model described in For that purpose, the customised layout filestabref-bibestat.layout
, andtabref-bibestat.end.layout
are made available. Those can be easily modified so as to export the bibliography to different layout models (seeJabRef
page on custom exports). -
tex/ : in
documents, together with anyBibTeX/BibLaTeX/Biber
bibliography compilers. SomeLaTeX
template files (with a basicnocite
call) using different bibliographic styles (e.g.,apalike
, etc...) are made available so that you can generatepdf
's like in the examples below:
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
misc/ : in many different formats, namely,
, orMySQL
by exporting theeurostatref.bib
bibliography database with your favourite bibliography reference manager. -
Microsoft Word
using theBibtex4Word
add-in macro.
Bibliography management
Use your favourite bibliography reference manager to handle/manage/edit the bibliography database. For instance, using JabRef
When adding a reference publication, use common bibliography rules. Additionally, consider standard LaTeX
syntax for bibliography. Last, also take into account the existing strings (see header of eurostatref.bib
bibliography database) for editing.
Bibliography export
Upon update (push) of the eurostatref.bib
bibliography database on this page, a JSON
file eurostatref.json
is automatically generated (see estatbib2json
actions/workflows in folder ./.github). In practice, the output file is produced with the pandoc-citeproc
program, namely running the following command:
pandoc-citeproc --bib2json eurostatref.bib > eurostatref.json