Hi, I'm Ethan! I'm interested in programming languages (PL) and computer architecture. I'm researching in CAPRA, a PL+hardware lab, and I'm a member of the autonomy subteam of Cornell Electric Vehicles.
I'm working on way too many things:
- marlin, a hardware testing framework in Rust.
- fernjit, a VM and just-in-time compiler written in Rust.
- asmpong, pong written in x86 assembly.
- pulsar, a language for building hardware accelerators with zero-latency memory.
- hardfloat-spade for using floating-point in hardware powered by berkeley-hardfloat downstream patches.
I also contribute to open source:
- Calyx, a compiler infrastructure for hardware accelerator generators.
- Spade, a better hardware description language.
- spadefmt, an autoformatting for Spade.
- spade.nvim, Neovim editor support for Spade.
- spade-docker, a tool for managing Spade images
- swim-clean-all, a
subcommand for recursive cleaning
- Bril, an educational compiler intermediate representation
- bril-frontend, an efficient Rust parser for Bril programs
- bril-lsp, language server for Bril
- bril.nvim: Neovim plugin for Bril
- bril-vscode: VSCode extension for Bril