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my productivity workflow dotfiles (Vim, Neovim, and much more)


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Hello. Bonjour


NeoVim (Catppuccin) Screenshot 1 NeoVim (Catppuccin-Mocha) Screenshot 2 NeoVim (Darcula) Screenshot 3 Vim (Darcula) Screenshot 4

My name is Eric Nantel. I am a SENIOR Rendering Architect.

Do you wish to make your life simpler as a developer?

If the answer is yes, please keep reading. 😄

I created this repository for anyone who wants to install my Vim or NeoVim setup on their computer, while I am still learning their plugins. Btw, I might try Emacs one day, but not today. 😄

Step 1

Be sure to read the 'Getting started' 📖 below, so that you have everything I would have installed, as a developer, prior to Vim or NeoVim on your machine.

Step 2

Your system might already have Vi or Vim and/or Git installed. Regardless, use a package manager and install the following packages:

  • git and git-lfs (optional)
  • git-delta (optional - named delta on Scoop for Windows)
  • less (optional - recommended on Windows if git-delta installed)
  • vim and/or neovim (0.9.5+ minimal - 0.10.0 recommended)
  • gcc or clang (on GNU/Linux) or llvm (recommended on Windows for Vim for clang-format)
  • clang-format (on MacOS for Vim)
  • clang, clang-format (on GNU/Linux)
  • cmake and make (unless you have it already)
  • ninja (ninja-build for Apt)
  • nodejs
  • npm
  • python3 and python3-pip (optional) and python3-venv (on Debian/Ubuntu for Neovim Mason Plugins)
  • lua (lua5.4 or newer if asked by Apt) and luajit (optional) and luarocks (optional)
  • ripgrep (optional)
  • fzf (optional)
  • curl (recommended)
  • tmux (on MacOS and GNU/Linux)
  • eza (optional but require a nerd-font)
  • zsh (optional - on GNU/Linux)
  • zsh-syntax-highlighting (optional - on MacOS and GNU/Linux)
  • starship (optional - available on most platform shells - requires a nerd-font)
  • ssh (optional)

Then open a Terminal application and type the command 'vim' or 'nvim' to see if you have it installed. To close vim/neovim, press ':q' to return to the console.

Please consider reading the Getting started documentation 📖 above.

Step 3

Open a Terminal application and go to this repository directory.

Run the following Shell script (.sh) to install my config:

  • For Vim
  • For NeoVim
    sh install_neovim_config.h

If you have an error, that means your terminal or emulator cannot read Shell scripts (.sh) or execute Unix commands. If you are using Windows 11, I suggest you to install WSL 2 (Windows Subsystem Linux 2). Or it could be that you have not installed git yet on your machine.

Close the Terminal application to apply config changes; or run the following commands:

  • For GNU/Linux
    source ~/.vimrc
    source ~/.bashrc
  • For MacOS
    source ~/.vimrc
    source ~/.zshrc

Please consider reading the Getting started documentation 📖 above.

Step 4

Open Vim or NeoVim in a Terminal application to install the plugins.

If you see an error in the Terminal console for Vim, ignore it and press a key to continue.

Enter the following command(s) in Normal mode:

  • For Vim only (NeoVim uses Lazy)


Hopefully, everything went as planned. You might need to quit (:q) and reopen Vim or NeoVim to see the changes.

Let's code faster ! 😄

Please consider following me on GitHub or social medias. 👍


Copyright(c) 2024 - Eric Nantel