SharpConnector is a .NET library designed to streamline integration with NoSQL databases. It provides a unified interface that simplifies database operations, eliminating the need to develop custom logic for each specific database connector. Since each NoSQL database has its own unique characteristics—such as being document-oriented or key-value-based—SharpConnector abstracts these differences, providing a consistent and simplified access layer to accelerate development.
- Unified interface for CRUD operations across various NoSQL databases.
- Supports key-value stores (Redis, EnyimMemcached, DynbamoDb) and document-oriented databases (MongoDB, LiteDB, RavenDB, Couchbase).
- Facilitates streamlined database operations without the need for custom connectors.
- Simplified integration using configuration files and dependency injection.
- Easy integration for various payload types.
- Allows extension with new connectors by implementing the IOperations interface.
You can install the library via the NuGet package manager with the following command:
dotnet add package SharpConnector
SharpConnector offers a unified interface for performing CRUD operations on various types of NoSQL databases. While NoSQL databases often differ in their internal structures (e.g., key-value stores, document databases), this library abstracts these distinctions, enabling streamlined key-value-based CRUD operations. Through SharpConnector, you can use a consistent interface to perform Insert, Get, Delete, and Update operations across multiple NoSQL systems, currently supporting:
- Redis (key-value)
- MongoDB (key-value or document-oriented)
- LiteDB (embedded document database)
- EnyimMemcached (key-value)
- RavenDB (document-oriented)
- Couchbase (document-oriented)
- DynbamoDb (key-value or document-oriented)
- ArangoDB (multi-model)
SharpConnector thus simplifies the development process, providing flexibility and compatibility across diverse NoSQL paradigms without the need to handle specific database implementations.
To get started with SharpConnector, configure the connector instance type.
Then, add the specif ConnectorConfig
node within your appsettings.json file:
{ "ConnectorConfig": { "Instance": "Redis", "DatabaseNumber": 0, "ConnectionString": "redisServer:6380,password=password,ssl=True,abortConnect=False" } }
{ "ConnectorConfig": { "Instance": "MongoDb", "DatabaseName": "test", "CollectionName": "test", "ConnectionString": "mongodb_connectionstring_here" } }
{ "ConnectorConfig": { "Instance": "LiteDb", "CollectionName": "test", "ConnectionString": "LiteDbTest.db" } }
{ "ConnectorConfig": { "Instance": "Memcached", "ConnectionString": "" } }
{ "ConnectorConfig": { "Instance": "RavenDb", "DatabaseName": "test", "ConnectionString": "" } }
{ "ConnectorConfig": { "Instance": "Couchbase", "ConnectionString": "couchbase://localhost", "Username": "Administrator", "Password": "password", "BucketName": "example_bucket", } }
{ "ConnectorConfig": { "Instance": "DynamoDb", "AccessKey": "your-access-key-here", "SecretKey": "your-secret-key-here", "Region": "us-west-2", "ServiceUrl": "", "UseHttp": false, "TableName": "MyTableName" } }
{ "ConnectorConfig": { "Instance": "ArangoDb", "ConnectionString": "http://localhost:8529", "Username": "username", "Password": "password", "CollectionName": "test" } }
Once configured, create a new SharpConnector client, specifying the payload type (e.g., string):
SharpConnectorClient<string> client = new SharpConnectorClient<string>()
Alternatively, you can integrate SharpConnector client using dependency injection. Here’s how to register the SharpConnector service with a simple string payload type:
// Register the SharpConnector services with string payload type.
This setup provides flexibility in working with different payload types and makes SharpConnector easy to use within dependency injection configurations.
Thank you for considering to help out with the source code! If you'd like to contribute, please fork, fix, commit and send a pull request for the maintainers to review and merge into the main code base. If you want to add new connectors, please follow these three rules:
- Each new connector must implement the IOperations interface.
- For each new connector the relevant UnitTest class must be present.
- Any third party libraries added in the code must be compatible with the MIT license, and the license must also be made explicit in the code.
- Setting up Git
- Fork the repository
- Open an issue if you encounter a bug or have a suggestion for improvements/features
SharpConnector source code is available under MIT License, see license in the source.
The SharpConnector library relies on several third-party libraries to deliver advanced functionality. Each of these libraries operates under a specific license, which governs its usage. To ensure transparency and compliance, the libraries and their licenses are listed in this repository:
- StackExchange.Redis, a General purpose redis client, see license here
- MongoDB.Driver, the Official C# .NET Driver for MongoDB, see license here
- LiteDB, a .NET NoSQL Document Store in a single data file, see license here
- EnyimMemcached, a C# Memcached client, see license here
- RavenDB, ACID Document Database, see license here
- Couchbase, the official Couchbase SDK for .NET Core and Full Frameworks, see license here
- DynamoDb, the official AWS SDK for .NET, see license here
- ArangoDB, a consistent, comprehensive, minimal driver for ArangoDB, see license here
Each library is included to enhance the functionality of SharpConnector while adhering to its licensing terms.
Please contact at francesco.delre[at] for any details.