The TiSQ project allows you to use Square's open source TimeSquare calendar picker in your Titanium app.
* These are iOS and Android native modules designed to work with Titanium SDK 3.1.1.GA * Before using this module you first need to install the package. If you need instructions on how to install a 3rd party module please read this installation guide.Download the platform you wish to use:
- iOS Dist
- [Android Dist] (
If you are building from source you will need to do the following:
Import the project into Xcode:
- Modify the titanium.xcconfig file with the path to your Titanium installation
Import the project into Eclipse:
- Update the .classpath
- Update the build properties
- Download the latest release from the releases folder ( or you can build it yourself )
- Install the ti.sq module. If you need help here is a "How To" guide.
- You can now use the module via the commonJS require method, example shown below.
var square = require('ti.sq');
value : Dictionary
The selection value on the Ti.SQ calendar View
min : Dictionary
The minimum date that will be shown and allowed to be selected on the Ti.SQ calendar view.
- On Android this is a creation time only property. You will always be able to read this value, but on Android you can only set property this on creation.
max : Dictionary
The maximum date that will be shown and allowed to be selected on the Ti.SQ calendar view.
- On Android this is a creation time only property. You will always be able to read this value, but on Android you can only set property this on creation.
PagingEnabled : Boolean
Enabled by default, this property determines if the Ti.SQ calendar view allows for scrolling
- On Android this property will always be true.
selectedDates : Array
Array containing Dictionaries with dates that should be marked as selected within the Ti.SQ calendar View.
- On Android this property will be ignored.
BackgroundColor : String/Color
The color of the calendar view month headings
Additional Properties
dateValue : Date
Once the Calendar View has been created and added to your Ti.UI.Window, the dateValue property can be used to obtain a JavaScript date object with the selected date of the Calendar View.
//Require the square module into your project
var square = require('ti.sq');
var calendarView = square.createView({
selectedDates: [
This event is called when a date is selected by the user.
Callback Property Values
dateValue : Date
A JavaScript date object with the selected date of the Calendar View
value : Dictionary
A dictionary object with the day, month, and year of the selected date of the Calendar View.
For exampe:
for samples on how to use this project.
Please consider following the @benCoding Twitter for updates and more about Titanium.
For module updates, Titanium tutorials and more please check out my blog at benCoding.Com.