Rust like result and option implementation for golang
just a reminder, option type is ready for (un)marshalling, mongodb and rethinkdb so feel free to use it with ^^
import safe ""
func checkUnwrap(opt safe.Option[int]) {
if opt.IsSome() {
} else {
panic("poor option :(")
func checkUnwrapOr(opt safe.Option[int]) {
func retrunOption(some bool) (opt safe.Option[int]) {
if some {
return opt.Some(7)
return opt.None()
type Test struct {
Field safe.Option[int]
func jsonMarshal(t Test) {
res := safe.AsResult(json.Marshal(s))
if res.IsOk() {
// if some: "Test{Field: 7}"
// if none: "Test{Field: {}}"
} else {
func checkUnwrap(res safe.Result[int]) {
if res.IsOk() {
} else {
func retrunResult(some bool) (res safe.Result[int]) {
if some {
return res.Ok(7)
return res.Err("some fancy error msg")
Error and None methods usable as structless but it doesn't infere types so instead of using safetypes.None[T]()
and safetypes.Err[T]("")
you could use them as how in examples above