create graphics for penplotters from audio files, aka waveforms, soundwaves.
- analyses audio: calculate "peaks" (volume per time slot for N numbers of slots)
- visualize peaks styles:
: alternates drawing points above and below the horizontal centerline. looks like a standard waveform from far, and like a frequency graph up close. Not symmetricsaw
: follows a Sawtooth wave pattern. Is symmetric but has more line density per bands.
- addCaps: also add line of configurable length to start and end (like starting with silence, but just a horixontal line)
- playback of the audio
- show audio file info
- better download option
- options to trim start/endpoint of audio (needed for amen break demo, wikimedia hosted file hast context around it)
- separate frequencies, create 1 graph per band in different colors (low/red,mid/green,high/yellow)
Thanks to Matthew Ström for writing the article "Making an Audio Waveform Visualizer with Vanilla JavaScript" on and open-sourcing the example code, on which the initial prototype of this tool is based.
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