This project was created to support access to OpenShift All-In-One instances running remotely in the public cloud. See
The following steps can be used to deploy within the OpenShift All-In-One environment.
Ideally this project should be hidden from the demo user, so I recommend creating using the system:admin account. Run the following as root on the instance.
oadm new-project vnc --admin=system:admin oc project vnc oc create -f novnc.yaml oc new-app novnc oc env dc/novnc HOSTPORT=$(hostname):5900 oc start-build novnc
includes a build configuration, image stream, deployment configuration, service and exposed route. The result should be that the NoVNC client is available at https://desktop-vnc.apps./vnc.html -
The container runs a websockify client (just the unmodified NoVNC utility providing a websock proxy for the host's VNC server listening on 5900.
A script
is included to automate the above steps.