is a python package with the namespace kfx
. Currently, it provides the
following sub-packages
- Extensions to the kubeflow pipeline dsl. -
- Data models and helpers to help generate themlpipeline-metrics.json
required to render visualization in the kubeflow pipeline UI. See also https://www.kubeflow.org/docs/pipelines/sdk/pipelines-metrics/ and https://www.kubeflow.org/docs/pipelines/sdk/output-viewer/
- Documentation: https://kfx.readthedocs.io.
- Repo: https://github.com/e2fyi/kfx
There will likely to have breaking changes, and feel free to do a feature request
does not work well together (see example) because of CORs - the web app is hosted inside an iFrame which prevents it from accessing theml-pipeline-ui
API server.kfx.vis.vega.vega_web_app
is only supported in the latest kubeflow pipeline UI (as inline is only supported after0.2.5
Refer to CHANGELOG.md.
pip install kfx
Example: Using ContainerOpTransform
to configure the internal k8s properties
of kubeflow pipelines tasks.
is a helper to modify the interal k8s properties (e.g. resources, environment variables, etc) of kubeflow pipeline tasks.
import kfp.components
import kfp.dsl
import kfx.dsl
transforms = (
.set_resources(cpu="500m", memory=("1G", "4G"))
.set_env_vars({"ENV": "production"})
.set_env_var_from_secret("AWS_ACCESS_KEY", secret_name="aws", secret_key="access_key")
.set_annotations({"iam.amazonaws.com/role": "some-arn"})
def echo(text: str) -> str:
return text
def pipeline(text: str):
op1 = echo(text)
op2 = echo("%s-%s" % text)
# u can apply the transform on op1 only
# op1.apply(transforms)
# or apply on all ops in the pipeline
Example: Using ArtifactLocationHelper
and KfpArtifact
to determine the
uri of your data artifact generated by the kubeflow pipeline task.
is a helper to modify the kubeflow pipeline task so that you can usekfx.dsl.KfpArtifact
to represent the artifact generated inside the task.
import kfp.components
import kfp.dsl
import kfx.dsl
# creates the helper that has the argo configs (tells you how artifacts will be stored)
# see https://github.com/argoproj/argo/blob/master/docs/workflow-controller-configmap.yaml
helper = kfx.dsl.ArtifactLocationHelper(
scheme="minio", bucket="mlpipeline", key_prefix="artifacts/"
def test_op(
mlpipeline_ui_metadata: OutputTextFile(str), markdown_data_file: OutputTextFile(str)
"A test kubeflow pipeline task."
import json
import kfx.dsl
import kfx.vis
import kfx.vis.vega
# `KfpArtifact` provides the reference to data artifact created
# inside this task
spec = {
"$schema": "https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.json",
"description": "A simple bar chart",
"data": {
"values": [
{"a": "A", "b": 28},
{"a": "B", "b": 55},
{"a": "C", "b": 43},
{"a": "D", "b": 91},
{"a": "E", "b": 81},
{"a": "F", "b": 53},
{"a": "G", "b": 19},
{"a": "H", "b": 87},
{"a": "I", "b": 52},
"mark": "bar",
"encoding": {
"x": {"field": "a", "type": "ordinal"},
"y": {"field": "b", "type": "quantitative"},
# write the markdown to the `markdown-data` artifact
markdown_data_file.write("### hello world")
# creates an ui metadata object
ui_metadata = kfx.vis.kfp_ui_metadata(
# Describes the vis to generate in the kubeflow pipeline UI.
# markdown vis from a markdown artifact.
# `KfpArtifact` provides the reference to data artifact created
# inside this task
# a vega web app from the vega data artifact.
# writes the ui metadata object as the `mlpipeline-ui-metadata` artifact
# prints the uri to the markdown artifact
def test_pipeline():
"A test kubeflow pipeline"
op: kfp.dsl.ContainerOp = test_op()
# modify kfp operator with artifact location metadata through env vars
Example: Using pydantic
data models to generate mlpipeline-metrics.json
(See also https://www.kubeflow.org/docs/pipelines/sdk/output-viewer/ and https://www.kubeflow.org/docs/pipelines/sdk/pipelines-metrics/).
has helper functions (with corresponding hints) to describe and createmlpipeline-metrics.json
files (required by kubeflow pipeline UI to render any metrics or visualizations).
import functools
import kfp.components
# install kfx
kfx_component = functools.partial(kfp.components.func_to_container_op, packages_to_install=["kfx"])
def some_op(
# mlpipeline_metrics is a path - i.e. open(mlpipeline_metrics, "w")
mlpipeline_metrics: kfp.components.OutputPath(str),
# mlpipeline_ui_metadata is a FileLike obj - i.e. mlpipeline_ui_metadata.write("something")
mlpipeline_ui_metadata: kfp.components.OutputTextFile(str),
"kfp operator that provides metrics and metadata for visualizations."
# import inside kfp task
import kfx.vis
# output metrics to mlpipeline_metrics path
# render as percent
kfx.vis.kfp_metric("recall-score", 0.9, percent=true),
# override metric format with custom value
kfx.vis.kfp_metric(name="percision-score", value=0.8, metric_format="PERCENTAGE"),
# render raw score
kfx.vis.kfp_metric("raw-score", 123.45),
# output visualization metadata to mlpipeline_ui_metadata obj
# creates a confusion matrix vis
labels=["True", "False"],
# creates a markdown with inline source
"# Inline Markdown: [A link](https://www.kubeflow.org/)",
# creates a markdown with a remote source
# creates a ROC curve with a remote source
# creates a Table with a remote source
header=["col1", "col2"],
# creates a tensorboard viewer
# creates a custom web app from a remote html file
# creates a Vega-Lite vis as a web app
"$schema": "https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.json",
"description": "A simple bar chart with embedded data.",
"data": {
"values": [
{"a": "A", "b": 28}, {"a": "B", "b": 55}, {"a": "C", "b": 43},
{"a": "D", "b": 91}, {"a": "E", "b": 81}, {"a": "F", "b": 53},
{"a": "G", "b": 19}, {"a": "H", "b": 87}, {"a": "I", "b": 52}
"mark": "bar",
"encoding": {
"x": {"field": "a", "type": "ordinal"},
"y": {"field": "b", "type": "quantitative"}
This project used:
- isort: to manage import order
- pylint: to manage general coding best practices
- flake8: to manage code complexity and coding best practices
- black: to manage formats and styles
- pydocstyle: to manage docstr style/format
- pytest/coverage: to manage unit tests and code coverage
- bandit: to find common security issues
- pyenv: to manage dev env: python version (3.6)
- pipenv: to manage dev env: python packages
Convention for unit tests are to suffix with _test
and colocate with the actual
python module - i.e. <module_name>_test.py
The version of the package is read from version.txt
- i.e. please update the
appropriate semantic version (major -> breaking changes, minor -> new features, patch -> bug fix, postfix -> pre-release/post-release).
# autoformat codes with docformatter, isort, and black
make format
# check style, formats, and code complexity
make check
# check style, formats, code complexity, and run unit tests
make test
# test everything including building the package and check the sdist
make test-all
# run unit test only
make test-only
# generate and update the requirements.txt and requirements-dev.txt
make requirements
# generate the docs with sphinx and autoapi extension
make docs
# generate distributions
make dists
# publish to pypi with twine (twine must be configured)
make publish