vDDoS Layer4 Mapping is a addon support for vDDoS Proxy Protection - Monitor processor logs and block it in Layer 3-4. This tool is product for those people ask me to add "BLOCK & CAPTCHA" on Layer 3-4 (Support Iptables CSF & CloudFlare API) for vDDoS Proxy Protection.
To install vDDoS Proxy Protection please visit this site: http://vddos.voduy.com
curl -L https://github.com/duy13/vDDoS-Layer4-Mapping/raw/master/vddos-layer4-mapping -o /usr/bin/vddos-layer4
chmod 700 /usr/bin/vddos-layer4
Welcome to vDDoS, a HTTP(S) DDoS Protection Reverse Proxy. Thank you for using!
Please choose vDDoS Layer 4 Running Mode:
CloudFlare Mode:
1. Enable Captcha-All-Country Mode (Recommend This Mode For Large DDoS Attacks)
2. Enable Monitor-vDDoS-logs-and-Captcha Mode
3. Enable Monitor-vDDoS-logs-and-Block Mode
4. Remove all rules exist on CloudFlare Firewall
CSF Mode:
5. Enable Monitor-vDDoS-logs-and-Block Mode
6. Remove all rules exist on CSF
End & Exit:
7. End All Process (Kill all Process Mode Running)
8. Exit
Enter Your Answer [1, 2, 3... or 8]:
Register account on CloudFlare.com > Add Your Website > Overview > View Zone ID
Email > My Setting > API Key > Global API Key > View API Key
Homepage: https://configserver.com/cp/csf.html
Install CSF:
cd /usr/src/
wget 'https://download.configserver.com/csf.tgz'
tar -xvf csf.tgz
cd csf
sh install.sh
chkconfig --levels 235 csf on
chkconfig --levels 235 lfd on
Config CSF:
cd /etc/csf/
sed -i 's/TESTING = "1"/TESTING = "0"/g' /etc/csf/csf.conf
Restart CSF:
csf -r && csf -q && service lfd restart
Change Security Level:
vddos-layer4 Security-Level-CloudFlare [email] [api] [zoneid] [essentially_off|low|medium|high|under_attack]
Captcha All Country:
vddos-layer4 Captcha-All-Country-CloudFlare [email] [api] [zoneid]
vddos-layer4 Remove-All-Rules-CloudFlare [email] [api] [zoneid]
/usr/bin/vddos-layer4 Security-Level-CloudFlare [email protected] f3aa24e0debfe5157629856afa4671bb 6dc6afc194bf744cd0f8c45bf3303afc under_attack
/usr/bin/vddos-layer4 Captcha-All-Country-CloudFlare [email protected] f3aa24e0debfe5157629856afa4671bb 6dc6afc194bf744cd0f8c45bf3303afc
/usr/bin/vddos-layer4 Remove-All-Rules-CloudFlare [email protected] f3aa24e0debfe5157629856afa4671bb 6dc6afc194bf744cd0f8c45bf3303afc
Document: http://vddos.voduy.com
Still in beta, use at your own risk! It is provided without any warranty!