This is my customized KDE Plasma setup, blending the elegance of macOS aesthetics, GNOME-inspired colors, and a touch of Windows to create the perfect balance of beauty and usability in Plasma desktop.
The colors are designed to match both Qt and GTK apps, ensuring a consistent experience. I use several apps like Foliate, and with this setup, I can use both Qt and GTK apps without feeling annoyed by mismatched aesthetics.
I recommend enabling the KDE Rounded Effects desktop effect if you're not using fractional scaling (100% or 200%). I personally avoid it due to the blurriness that happens with fractional scaling, likely caused by KWin.
Here’s your description with the elements presented normally:
🎨 Plasma Theme & Colors
- Plasma Colors: Darkly (modified)
- Plasma Application Style: Darkly (modified)
- Plasma Style: macOS Ventura (modified)
- Color Scheme: One Dark Pro (modified)
🧩 KDE Applets (Similar to Extensions)
- App Launcher
- Global Menu
- Desktop Indicator
- System Tray
- Digital Clock (configured as: ddd dd MMM)
- Icons-Only Task Manager
All of these applets are available in the KDE Store.
🔡 Fonts
- Sans-serif: Inter & SF Arabic
- Serif: New York Medium
- Monospace: JetBrainsMono Nerd
- Emoji: Apple Color Emoji
🖼️ Icons & UI Elements
- Icon Theme: Papirus Dark
- Cursor Theme: BreezeX Black
- Editor: Neovim (configured with LazyVim)
- Top Panel: Desktop Indicator (Pager alternative) with default plugins
- Dock: Plasma default dock
🌆 Wallpaper
- Abstract Black & White wallpapers from Unsplash by Andrew Kliatskyi
(Includes all variations)
🌍 Browsers & Customization
- Zen Browser → Accent color: #202020
- Brave Browser → Uses the old Brave color scheme
- Startpage → Bonjourr