Welcome to Swift Protobuf!
Apple's Swift programming language is a perfect complement to Google's Protocol Buffer ("protobuf") serialization technology. They both emphasize high performance and programmer safety.
This project provides both the command-line program that adds Swift
code generation to Google's protoc
and the runtime library that is
necessary for using the generated code.
After using the protoc plugin to generate Swift code from your .proto
files, you will need to add this library to your project.
SwiftProtobuf offers many advantages over alternative serialization systems:
- Safety: The protobuf code-generation system avoids the errors that are common with hand-built serialization code.
- Correctness: SwiftProtobuf passes both its own extensive test suite and Google's full conformance test for protobuf correctness.
- Schema-driven: Defining your data structures in a separate
schema file clearly documents your communications conventions. - Idiomatic: SwiftProtobuf takes full advantage of the Swift language. In particular, all generated types provide full Swift copy-on-write value semantics.
- Efficient binary serialization: The
method returns aData
with a compact binary form of your data. You can deserialize the data using theinit(serializedData:)
initializer. - Standard JSON serialization: The
method returns a JSON form of your data that can be parsed with theinit(jsonUTF8Data:)
initializer. - Hashable, Equatable: The generated struct can be put into a
. - Performant: The binary and JSON serializers have been extensively optimized.
- Extensible: You can add your own Swift extensions to any of the generated types.
Best of all, you can take the same .proto
file and generate
Java, C++, Python, or Objective-C for use on other platforms. The
generated code for those languages will use the exact same
serialization and deserialization conventions as SwiftProtobuf, making
it easy to exchange serialized data in binary or JSON forms, with no
additional effort on your part.
More information is available in the associated documentation:
- Google's protobuf documentation provides general information about protocol buffers, the protoc compiler, and how to use protocol buffers with C++, Java, and other languages.
- PLUGIN.md documents the
plugin that adds Swift support to theprotoc
program - API.md documents how to use the generated code. This is recommended reading for anyone using SwiftProtobuf in their project.
- cocoadocs.org has the generated API documentation
- INTERNALS.md documents the internal structure of the generated code and the library. This should only be needed by folks interested in working on SwiftProtobuf itself.
- STYLE_GUIDELINES.md documents the style guidelines we have adopted in our codebase if you are interested in contributing
If you've worked with Protocol Buffers before, adding Swift support is very
simple: you just need to build the protoc-gen-swift
program and copy it into
your PATH.
The protoc
program will find and use it automatically, allowing you
to build Swift sources for your proto files.
You will also, of course, need to add the SwiftProtobuf runtime library to
your project as explained below.
To use Swift with Protocol buffers, you'll need:
A Swift 4.0 or later compiler (Xcode 9.1 or later). Support is included for the Swift Package Manager; or using the included Xcode project. The Swift protobuf project is being developed and tested against the latest release version of Swift available from Swift.org
Google's protoc compiler. The Swift protoc plugin is being actively developed and tested against the latest protobuf sources. The SwiftProtobuf tests need a version of protoc which supports the
option (introduced in protoc 3.2.0). It may work with earlier versions of protoc. You can get recent versions from Google's github repository.
To translate .proto
files into Swift, you will need both Google's
protoc compiler and the SwiftProtobuf code generator plugin.
Building the plugin should be simple on any supported Swift platform:
$ git clone https://github.com/apple/swift-protobuf.git
$ cd swift-protobuf
Pick what released version of SwiftProtobuf you are going to use. You can get a list of tags with:
$ git tag -l
Once you pick the version you will use, set your local state to match, and build the protoc plugin:
$ git checkout tags/[tag_name]
$ swift build -c release
This will create a binary called protoc-gen-swift
in the .build/release
To install, just copy this one executable into a directory that is
part of your PATH
environment variable.
NOTE: The Swift runtime support is now included with macOS. If you are
using old Xcode versions or are on older system versions, you might need
to use also use --static-swift-stdlib
with swift build
If you prefer using Homebrew:
$ brew install swift-protobuf
This will install protoc
compiler and Swift code generator plugin.
To generate Swift output for your .proto files, you run the protoc
command as
usual, using the --swift_out=<directory>
$ protoc --swift_out=. my.proto
The protoc
program will automatically look for protoc-gen-swift
in your
and use it.
Each .proto
input file will get translated to a corresponding .pb.swift
file in the output directory.
More information about building and using protoc-gen-swift
can be found
in the detailed Plugin documentation.
To use the generated code, you need to include the SwiftProtobuf
module in your project. How you do this will vary depending on how
you're building your project. Note that in all cases, we strongly recommend
that you use the version of the SwiftProtobuf library that corresponds to
the version of protoc-gen-swift
you used to generate the code.
After copying the .pb.swift
files into your project, you will need to add the
SwiftProtobuf library to your
project to support the generated code.
If you are using the Swift Package Manager, add a dependency to your
file and import the SwiftProtobuf
library into the desired
targets. Adjust the "1.4.0"
here to match the [tag_name]
you used to build
the plugin above:
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/apple/swift-protobuf.git", from: "1.4.0"),
targets: [
.target(name: "MyTarget", dependencies: ["SwiftProtobuf"]),
If you are using Xcode, then you should:
- Add the
source files generated from your protos directly to your project - Add the appropriate
target from the Xcode project in this package to your project.
If you're using CocoaPods, add this to your Podfile
adjusting the :tag
match the [tag_name]
you used to build the plugin above:
pod 'SwiftProtobuf', '~> 1.0'
And run pod install
(Swift 3 frameworks require CocoaPods 1.1 or newer)
If you're using Carthage, add this to your Cartfile
but adjust the tag to match the [tag_name]
you used to build the plugin above:
github "apple/swift-protobuf" ~> 1.0
Run carthage update
and drag SwiftProtobuf.framework
into your Xcode.project.
Once you have installed the code generator, used it to
generate Swift code from your .proto
file, and
added the SwiftProtobuf library to your project, you can
just use the generated types as you would any other Swift
For example, you might start with the following very simple proto file:
syntax = "proto3";
message BookInfo {
int64 id = 1;
string title = 2;
string author = 3;
Then generate Swift code using:
$ protoc --swift_out=. DataModel.proto
The generated code will expose a Swift property for each of the proto fields as well as a selection of serialization and deserialization capabilities:
// Create a BookInfo object and populate it:
var info = BookInfo()
info.id = 1734
info.title = "Really Interesting Book"
info.author = "Jane Smith"
// As above, but generating a read-only value:
let info2 = BookInfo.with {
$0.id = 1735
$0.title = "Even More Interesting"
$0.author = "Jane Q. Smith"
// Serialize to binary protobuf format:
let binaryData: Data = try info.serializedData()
// Deserialize a received Data object from `binaryData`
let decodedInfo = try BookInfo(serializedData: binaryData)
// Serialize to JSON format as a Data object
let jsonData: Data = try info.jsonUTF8Data()
// Deserialize from JSON format from `jsonData`
let receivedFromJSON = try BookInfo(jsonUTF8Data: jsonData)
You can find more information in the detailed API Documentation.
If you run into problems, please send us a detailed report. At a minimum, please include:
- The specific operating system and version (for example, "macOS 10.12.1" or "Ubuntu 16.10")
- The version of Swift you have installed (from
swift --version
) - The version of the protoc compiler you are working with from
protoc --version
- The specific version of this source code (you can use
git log -1
to get the latest commit ID) - Any local changes you may have