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GhostForge AI

An AI-powered troubleshooting assistant for DevOps that integrates with TinyLlama to help analyze and troubleshoot various project files, Docker containers, Kubernetes clusters, and CI/CD pipelines.


  • File indexing and semantic search
  • AI-powered file analysis
  • Docker container analysis and management
  • Kubernetes cluster analysis
  • CI/CD pipeline integration (GitHub Actions, GitLab CI, Jenkins)
  • Real-time file and command monitoring
  • Custom prompt templates
  • Export functionality
  • Remote Docker host support
  • New: Secure filesystem operations for LLMs via TinyFS


pip install ghostforge-ai

Or install from source:

git clone
cd ghostforge
pip install -e .

Automatic Environment Setup

GhostForge now includes a setup script that configures your environment and downloads the required model:

# Set up the virtual environment and direnv for automatic activation

# Download the TinyLlama model

Quick Start

  1. Start the GhostForge shell:
  1. Index your project files:
ghostforge> index
  1. Analyze files:
ghostforge> analyze logs/error.log
  1. Search indexed files:
ghostforge> search error --type=log
  1. Use the new TinyFS file operations:
ghostforge> fs list
ghostforge> fs read config.json


GhostForge uses several configuration files stored in the ~/.ghostforge directory:

  • config.yaml: General configuration
  • ci.yaml: CI/CD provider settings
  • kubernetes.yaml: Kubernetes cluster settings
  • docker.yaml: Docker host settings

Example configuration:

# ~/.ghostforge/config.yaml
  path: ~/.ghostforge/models/tinyllama-1.1b-chat.Q4_K_M.gguf
  context_size: 2048
  gpu_layers: 0
  threads: 4
  f16_kv: true

# ~/.ghostforge/docker.yaml
    enabled: true
    url: tcp://prod-server:2375
    tls: true
    enabled: true
    use_ssh: true
    hostname: staging-server
    username: docker
    key_file: ~/.ssh/docker_key


Below is a comprehensive list of commands available in the GhostForge shell:

File Operations

  • index [directory]: Index project files for searching and analysis
  • search <query> [--type=filetype]: Search indexed files using keywords
  • analyze <file> [--prompt=template]: Analyze files using TinyLlama

TinyFS Commands

  • fs read <path>: Read and display the contents of a file
  • fs write <path> <content>: Write content to a file
  • fs list [path]: List contents of a directory (defaults to current directory)
  • fs mkdir <path>: Create a new directory
  • fs delete <path>: Delete a file
  • fs copy <source> <destination>: Copy a file to a new location
  • fs move <source> <destination>: Move a file to a new location
  • fs exists <path>: Check if a file or directory exists
  • fs info <path>: Display information about a file or directory

Docker Commands

  • docker list-images: List available Docker images
  • docker list-containers: List running Docker containers
  • docker analyze-image <image>: Analyze a Docker image
  • docker analyze-container <container>: Analyze a running container
  • docker analyze-dockerfile <path>: Analyze a Dockerfile

Kubernetes Commands

  • kubernetes analyze-manifests <directory>: Analyze Kubernetes manifest files
  • kubernetes analyze-cluster: Analyze the current Kubernetes cluster
  • kubernetes list-resources: List resources in the current cluster

CI/CD Commands

  • cicd analyze <directory>: Analyze CI/CD configuration files

Monitoring Commands

  • watch <file|command>: Watch a file or command output in real-time
  • unwatch <id>: Stop watching a file or command
  • watches: List active watches

Configuration Commands

  • config get <key>: View a configuration value
  • config set <key> <value>: Set a configuration value
  • config list: List all configuration values
  • prompt list: List available prompt templates
  • prompt show <name>: Show a specific prompt template
  • prompt create <name>: Create a new prompt template
  • model info: Show information about the current model
  • model load <path>: Load a different model

Shell Commands

  • help: Display help information and available commands
  • history: View or search command history
  • exit or quit: Exit the GhostForge shell
  • hello: Test command to verify the shell is working

Sample Help Output

When you run the help command in the GhostForge shell, you'll see output similar to this:

Welcome to GhostForge Shell. Type help or ? to list commands.

Documented commands (type help <topic>):

File Operations:
  analyze  index  search  fs

Docker Commands:

Kubernetes Commands:
  kubernetes  k8s

CI/CD Commands:

Watch Commands:
  watch  unwatch  watches

  config  model  prompts

Shell Commands:
  help  exit  quit  hello

Type help <command> for detailed information on a specific command.
For example: help analyze

Understanding the Codebase

GhostForge is organized around several key components:


The command-line interface is powered by the Python cmd module, with command implementations in:

  • ghostforge/ Core shell implementation with command categories and completions
  • ghostforge/ Individual command implementations

File Indexing

The indexing system scans your codebase and stores content for quick retrieval:

ghostforge> index

The indexer will scan your project files and gracefully handle binary files by skipping them with a message:

[GhostForge]: ./.git/index will not be indexed.
[GhostForge]: ./binary-file.png will not be indexed.

Custom Prompts

Create custom analysis prompts in YAML format:

# prompts/custom_analysis.yaml
description: Custom analysis template
template: |
  Analyze this content and provide insights:
  {{ content }}

  Please provide:
  1. Summary
  2. Key findings
  3. Recommendations


  1. Set up development environment:
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -e ".[dev]"
  1. Run tests:
  1. Format code:
black ghostforge
  1. Run linter:
pylint ghostforge


Common Issues

  1. Indexing errors with binary files: These are expected and won't affect GhostForge's functionality. Binary files are automatically skipped during indexing.

  2. Help command exits the shell: If you encounter this issue, make sure your installation includes the latest fixes that properly implement the command categories and prompt commands.

  3. Docker/Kubernetes analysis errors: Ensure you have the proper permissions to access container and cluster information.

  4. Model loading errors: If you encounter errors loading the model, run the script to download the required model.

  5. Environment setup issues: Use the script to create a properly configured virtual environment. For automatic environment activation, install direnv and run direnv allow in the project directory.


MIT License


  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a feature branch
  3. Make your changes
  4. Run tests and linting
  5. Submit a pull request


For issues and feature requests, please use the GitHub issue tracker.


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