This Indicator is written to make KDE Connect usable in Ubuntu and Pantheon DE. It's started as an AppIndicator but later i add a binary file to send file and url easily through KDE Connect.
- Indicator in the panel which show your devices, with its name, status, and battery.
- menu to request for pairing and unpairing
- menu to start sftp and open file browser
- a small program,
to help sending file and choosing device - a .contractor file, so you can send file from any of elementary OS's applications
Currently this is have some limitation:
- As Ubuntu and Pantheon notification doesn't (yet) support applying or rejecting pair request, you can only request to pair from desktop to your phone.
- Will work better in KDE Connect 0.7.1 and up
To make life better you can try to apply this:
- add KDE Connect Indicator to your startup applications, on your System Setting
- for Nautilus or Thunar user, create a Nautilus-actions or Thunar-actions entry with
kdeconnect-send %f
as command
Please report issues and suggestion here: