Boilerplate directory structure for your Github Projects!
The inspiration for this project came after perusing this repository:
When starting new projects and repositories, boilerplating the project directory structure is a pain in the butt. It would be great to have a simple way to start a project with a sane default directory layout.
This project intends to provide just that!
Try something like this (bash syntax):
git clone --depth=1 --branch=master <a link from the "clone or download" button>
rm -rf boiler/.git/
mv boiler/ <your new project's directory name>/
cd <your new project's directory name>
# optionally: clean out .gitkeep files
find . -name .gitkeep -delete
git init
Now you're ready to Rock and Roll!
├── src # Source files (alternatively use `lib` or `app`)
├── lib # Libraries and module sources
├── 3P # Third party Libraries and modules
├── build # Compiled files (alternatively `dist`)
├── tools # Tools and utilities
├── scripts # Useful scripts
├── test # Test files (alternatively `spec` or `tests`)
│ ├── benchmarks # Load and stress tests
│ ├── integration # End-to-end, integration tests (alternatively `e2e`)
│ └── unit # Unit tests
├── docs # Documentation
│ ├── # Table of contents
│ ├── # Frequently asked questions
│ └── ... # etc.
├── # A running list of changes and fixes
└── # $this
Use this however you would like for "free, as in beer".