- VueJs 3 + Vue CLI
- Database with Supabase. Voir la doc
- Component Library : Primevue
- Install NVM
git clone
cd matta-nuu
nvm use
npm install -g yarn
yarn install
yarn serve
Be careful, the same database (provided by supabase) is used for production and dev. So for dev purpose beter create a new user so you'll be sure to not break anything
yarn build
If you are using VSCode, please use the existing configuration
cp .vscode/settings-example.json .vscode/settings.json
and install the recommended extensions
Otherwise, before pushing you run linters with
yarn lint
class Session {
int id
datetime created_at
Event[] events
Row[] rows
class Event {
int id
string[] days
string name
datetime start_date
int people_count
class Row {
int id
string type
string label
Map values
bool printable
int recipie_id
class Recipe {
int id
datetime created_at
Product[] products
string name
int people_count
string user_id
bool? prepare_day_before
int[]? category_ids
class Product {
int id
datetime created_at
string name
string unit
string user_id
int supplier_id
string? packaging_reference
string? packaging_conditioning
int category_id
bool packaging_convert_to_piece
int[] storage_area_ids
class Category {
int id
string name
string type
string user_id
class Supplier {
int id
datetime created_at
string user_id
string name
string description
string? order_header
string? order_footer
string contact_details
Session --> Event : contains
Session --> Row : contains
Row --> Recipe : references
Recipe --> Product : uses
Product --> Supplier : provided by
Product --> Category : belongs to