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Releases: dfinity/agent-js

Release 2.4.0

24 Mar 19:44
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What's Changed

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Full Changelog: v2.3.0...v2.4.0

Release 2.3.0

07 Feb 19:15
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What's Changed


  • refactors logic so that fetchrootkey is awaited before the first async call is made if shouldFetchRootKey is set. This resolves potential race conditions during local development

ReadState Expiry Rollback

  • rolls back an intermittent bug introduced in v2.1.3, where a re-used readstate request would be sent with a mismatching ingress_expiry for a re-used signature. Should reduce the frequency of Invalid Signature errors. An improved strategy will be released in a future update


  • HttpAgent now uses an anonymous identity for syncTime calls, which the replica will allow to have an invalid ingress_expiry provided. This (at last) allows clients with clocks diverging by >5 minutes to sync their time with the replica and behave normally

Enhanced Errors

  • HttpAgent Errors now include more useful information when thrown, including the signature, the request id, the public key, and a stack trace. The agent's ObservableLog utility is now also exported, and can be used for testing or independently. Reminder that the log exists! You can subscribe to events in the agent, and it is helpful for debugging

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Full Changelog: v2.2.0...v2.3.0

Release 2.2.0

12 Dec 20:59
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What's Changed

Minor stability and documentation changes.

Shouldn't lead to any issues when updating, but tagged as a minor version due to changing the return types in pollForResponse from any to undefined of #958 .

Last release planned for 2024 - see you all in the new year!

  • feat: adds management canister support for canister snapshots by @krpeacock in #917
  • chore: removes message warning in auth-client by @krpeacock in #948
  • chore: update license file by @sesi200 in #949
  • chore: update typo in by @dfx-json in #947
  • chore: npm audit fix, bumping cross-spawn by @krpeacock in #955
  • feat: effective target canister ID for mgmt call by @peterpeterparker in #954
  • fix: Make pollForResponse typesafe to avoid exceptions from unknown requests by @sea-snake in #958
  • chore: pins nanoid dev dependency version to override warning by @krpeacock in #960
  • build: fix @peculiar/webcrypto is no peer dependencies but dev dependencies by @peterpeterparker in #959
  • feat: target_canister to be handled only for method install_chunked_code by @peterpeterparker in #957
  • fix: JsDoc typo in DelegationIdentity class's fromDelegation method by @georgiod9 in #951

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.1.3...v2.2.0

Release 2.1.3

23 Oct 17:04
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What's Changed

We have a couple fixes and some improvements to errors in this release.


  • Fixed an issue where read_state polling requests would fail after the initial expiry, but before the request was processed
    • This was an edge case for subnets under high load. The read_state is allowed to use a fresh ingress_expiry, so pollForResponse and retry logic now uses this pattern
  • Added a check to handle a regression when calling the management canister using the new sync_call flow

Error handling

  • Fixed an issue where reject_code and reject_message weren't passed correctly to the error in synchronous call reject or trap responses.

  • new ActorCallError class

  • AgentError and ActorCallError support instanceof checks, as well as a name attribute that you can use for easier error handling

    • some old generic Errors are now labeled more preciesely
  • chore: Correct the typo in agent/src/actor.ts by @AlexV525 in #939

  • fix: trap and throw handling in v3 sync call by @krpeacock in #940

  • fix: read state with fresh expiry by @krpeacock in #938

  • test: automatically deploys trap canister if it doesn't exist yet dur… by @krpeacock in #942

  • chore: skip range check when the certificate comes from the management canister by @dfx-json in #945

  • feat: allow for setting HttpAgent ingress expiry using ingressExpiryInMinutes option by @krpeacock in #905

  • feat: improved assertion options for agent errors by @krpeacock in #908

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.1.2...v2.1.3

Release 2.1.2

30 Sep 00:15
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What's Changed

  • chore: revert "feat: allow option set agent replica time" by @dfx-json in #935

Full Changelog: v2.1.1...v2.1.2

Release 2.1.1

13 Sep 18:05
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2.1.0...v2.1.1

Release 2.1.0

12 Sep 18:20
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Noteworthy Features

This feature includes the v3 synchronous call API! Calls to mainnet are able to bypass polling using the new endpoint

The HttpAgent allows you to set and read replicaTime, which it will maintain information about in order to handle disagreements between the client and replica about time.

Fixes and improvements for the useAuthClient library

Other changes and enhancements

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.1.0

Release 2.0.0

16 Jul 17:30
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Async HttpAgent and call response changes

Some small but backwards incompatible changes come with this release, but it enables some advanced use cases for libraries building with the HttpAgent.

Change 1 - HttpAgent constructor deprecation

The HttpAgent has a TSDoc warning against being constructed with the new constructor. We now prefer await HttpAgent.create(), which will automatically fetch the root key if you pass shouldFetchRootKey: true (for local development) to the HttpAgentOptions. HttpAgent.create will also automatically run the syncTime method, and configure the agent to calculate the difference between the system clock and the Internet Computer replica's time, which should reduce the occurrence of device sync issues. Since not all of your code may run inside of an async function, you can consider running a simple find and replace when upgrading to > v2.0.0.

The createSync method has identical behavior to new currently, and is preferred over accessing the constructor going forward.

function getActor(options){
-   return new HttpAgent(options);  
+   return HttpAgent.createSync(options);

Change 2 - Raw Call

In order to support ICRC-49, we need the HttpAgent to provide more details back after making a call. With this change, will provide:

requestId - the computed request ID to poll for
response - the raw `http` response from the boundary node
requestDetails - the details sent to the canister, used to compute the request ID

In addition, the output from pollForResponse needs to be updated as well. PollForResponse now returns

certificate: the Certificate tree sent along with the reply
reply: the certified response from the replica


The v2 Actor is able to use older HttpAgent interfaces with backwards compatibility, but the pollForResponse type has a breaking return signature. You must use a v1 polling strategy with a v1 actor, and a v2 strategy with a v2 actor.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.4.0...v2.0.0

Release 1.4.0

18 Jun 14:10
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What's Changed

  • chore: updates dfinity/conventional-pr-title-action to v3.2.0 by @krpeacock in #886
  • chore: updates dfinity/conventional-pr-title-action to v4.0.0 by @krpeacock in #889
  • chore: updates agent error response by @krpeacock in #885
  • fix: updated outdated urls in sample by @r-birkner in #888
  • fix: publish script will correctly update the package-lock.json file … by @krpeacock in #883
  • feat: add support for proof of absence in certificate lookups by @nathanosdev in #878
  • chore: update management canister interface with latest bitcoin features by @krpeacock in #890
  • fix: ObservableLog no longer extends Function by @krpeacock in #887
  • chore: bump braces by @tmu0 in #891
  • feat: strips out bitcoin query methods from management canister IDL by @krpeacock in #893

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.3.0...v1.4.0

Release 1.3.0

01 May 22:44
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What's Changed

New feature - exponential backoff for retries, using a new HttpAgent option - backoffStrategy. The agent can accept a BackoffStrategyFactory, which is a function that returns a BackoffStrategy. The strategy itself must include a next method, which yields a number or null

The default strategy mimics the one used by agent-rs. It will increase the interval using exponential backoff, and adding in a "jitter", randomizing the result a little to decrease the likelihood of calls firing at the same time as your application scales, which could cause performance issues under certain conditions.

If you prefer a constant backoff, a custom factory would look something like this in TypeScript:

import { HttpAgent, BackoffStrategy } from '@dfinity/agent'; 

const strat: BackoffStrategy = {
  next: () => 1000

const agent = new HttpAgent({
  backoffStrategy: () => strat

Full Changelog: v1.2.1...v1.3.0