Unofficial API to get MCQs from Sanfoundry, some results/answers may be incorrect
modern websites with sleek parallax effects and bento box layouts. React + vite with tailwind
With featured and recent posts, categories. full markdown articles, author information, comments, and much more, this fully responsive CMS Blog App is the best Blog Application that you can current…
Personal portfolio built using Next, typescript, tailwind and libraries,
a blog website you can create multiple blogs and delete them
A DevFolio/Developer Portfolio built using ReactJs, Sanity CMS and Animation libraries.
GPT-3 ui/ux figma to code it is responsive React website
Complete React Admin Dashboard
Millionaire App using react, get chance to win prize by choicing right answer.
Portfolio made with💓 using React and Sass
Currency Converter app using js
Chrome Extension Lead Tracker to save URLs on chrome for tabs
This is a simple Password Generator using js
food-recipe app you can search any kind of recipe by searching on and made with love html css and js
MovieLand is a website for movies where you get your fav movie in one click
Meals app using React, simply search your fav meal and get back it.
Restaurant website using React, css3
Weather app using "React and Rest APIs"
This is Youtube clone application using React and MaterialUI, you can use this to search videos and also watch them.
This is repository for beginner web development projects series on youtube