Repo for our first Hack Day in December 2019.
A free video calling application without CAPEX and maintainance involved for Android.
Learning to use Azure Cloud Cognitive services and GitHub integration. Mood Detector - Captures your face then detects the mood like Happy or Sad
Amrita's mother has stricty asked her not to waste any paper. Her BFF Natasha is visiting her after a long time. Can you help Amrita with a TIC TAC TOE app?This is a digitised version of a classic game of TIC TAC TOE. Use of this app will reduce the wastage of paper and make it easier for the user to keep a score.
- Meghna Das
- Simeen Khan Ayyub
- Shritama Sengupta
We the NewCoders team got the problem statement that "Ahana's friends are fighting over dresses, They need help , hence she created a game to solve their problem".Our solution was that when any of her friends starts the game she gets to enter the size and occasion type,based on which she gets a dress of her size and occasion type automatically and the dress doesn't gets repeated for the same size( so you are unique😁).We believe this is a problem which is faced by all women and needs to be solved in more efficient ways (to save time of getting ready😉. Our solution was pretty simple and so we would love to get new ideas for this project.
- Saurav Ranjan Maharana
- Parikshit Marwah
A classic makeover of our old Rock-Paper-Scissor game
- Aniruddha Kibey
- Devendra Bhat
- Shagun Kaushik
- Shreyas Kalmegh
Millions of saplings are planted evey year, and millions die too. Because they are not taken care of. This is a humble attempt to track all such saplings around a volunteer's vicinity keeping the external factors like weather into account.
- Reshikesh Umakant Dhanrale
- Akshit Abhay Keoliya
- Shweta Singh
Women Safety App where
1)the map will be segregated on the basis of the danger zones in the city based on the threat
level the areas will be color coded as grey , yellow and red
2)the mobile will be connected with the gps for live tracking if person
goes into the threat zone a prompt will be sent to the emergency contacts
3)if persons stays too long in the danger zone without any
activity the alert will be sent to the police department
4)Areas are segregated by the threat level determined by crowd sourcing the information about any particular area
- Alok Bhawankar
- Akhil Narang
- Aniket Raj
- Aditya Desai
An event management system for college groups using face recognition to identify users and let them easily sign up for events and then notify them about status via email with the system generated QR Code , and to easily show organizers the data they have access to and to let them manage it, so that we can focus more on the event itself, instead of wondering about handling the registrations.
- Pranshu Tople
- Pallavi Saha
- Shubham Nandi
- Rishabh Agarwal
We tried creating an internet bot to buy and sell digital gold on Paytm Gold in the best possible buying and selling prices so as to make you money without you doing anything.
- Ayush Shah
- Kunal Raut
- Prathamesh Shiralkar
- Pratik Daigavane
- Saarth Deshpande
- Tejas Joshi
- Utkarsh Atre
An Online Judge System which also is one of the world's first Self Learning Ladder - based judge system, along with developing our own indigenous IDE. To make this project more of a Capstone Project, we have developed a Web interface and a Android App interface.
- Amar Nagargoje
- Atharva Barve
- Tejas Bhadane
- Nirav Madariya
Our app enables special childrens with down syndrome to learn classifyng wet and dry waste by looking at the images. The app teaches and tells using text to speech weather the choice made by the individual is right or not, so to improve their performance of special children.