Perl exercises to find digit N of the infinitely long 12345678910111213...
This was an assignment from Kibo back in 2009: "Given the infinitely large integer
B = 12345678910111213...
We are only ever interested in finding the Nth digit of B (where N can be anything up to one million.) Do these four exercises in this order:
Using only pencil and paper, determine the 500,000th digit of B.
Write a Perl program that will print the Nth digit of B after actually constructing the entire left half of B (use strings, don't try to use BigNum.)
Write a Perl program that will print the Nth digit of B without actually constructing the entire left half of B (use the same algorithm you used in problem 1.)
What is the time complexity of the two programs relative to N? In the same notation, what is their memory usage?"
· The sprawl script is the original answer to #2; · ordsprawl is an update to sprawl to include a cardinal suffix for printed answers. The April 2016 revision handled numbers 11-19 more effectively. It should become its own module. · is the attempt to answer #3.