Fork of Modern.Forms project.
The goal of this fork is to extend the original code with new features and UI components.
Warning :
Do not use it in a production deployment !
This is for testing only. I don't hold myself responsible for any possible bugs or security issues. Use only at your own risk.
- Added MonthCalendar and MonthCaledarDropDown control.
- Added ScottPlot 5.x port.
- Added GMapNET port.
- Added HtmlRenderer port.
Modern.Forms port of the project. Fully managed implementation of HTML engine.
Note, this library doesn't replace WebView/WebBrowser controls, as its capabilities are limited. Many modern HTML features are not supported.
- Modified paint methods and control buffers.
Single buffer approach is far better alternative in order to achieve good performance on high resolutions.
This modification will lower both memory and CPU usage for any business application with lot of nested controls. - Added dark theme