PowerShell module for interacting with the SyncroRMM API. Heavily based on the HuduAPI PowerShell module.
If this module helps you be more productive, consider donating to help me keep working on it.
Documentation for each command can be found in the /Docs folder.
The module needs two items items for authentication:
- Subdomain - The unique subdomain for your Syncro tenant (ie. for https://mycompany.syncromsp.com), the subdomain to use is "mycompany")
- API Key - An API key generated from the Syncro Admin center
There are two ways to make the Subdomain and API Key available to the module:
Set environment variables for the following:
- Environment variable containing an encrypted copy of your API KeySyncroSubdomain
- Environment variable containing the Subdomain
To generate the encrypted API key use the following commands:
$SyncroKey = "FDSA53421F"
$SecSyncroKey = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $SyncroKey -AsPlainText -Force
$SecSyncroKey | ConvertFrom-SecureString
Call the following commands:
Set-SyncroApiKey -ApiKey FDSA53421F
Set-SyncroSubdomain -Subdomain applebees
Import-Module SyncroRMM
# Set the subdomain and API key
Set-SyncroSubdomain -Subdomain applebees
Set-SyncroApiKey -ApiKey FDSA53421F
# Get the Contoso customer
$Customer = Get-SyncroCustomer -BusinessName "Contoso"
# Get all assets for Contoso
Get-SyncroAsset -CustomerId $Customer.Id