is an HTTP package for Go that implements the Shopify oauth2 API.
- Performs Shopify app installation (displaying auth page and retrieving access tokens)
- Optionally performs webhook installation upon app installation
- Performs Shopify request verification (both user & webhook)
- Acts as typical Go middleware - meaning it can be placed in any middleware stack as long as it is made up of
- Allows custom failure handlers.
- Has no dependencies external to the Go standard library.
package main
import (
type dummyPersistence struct {}
func (p *dummyPersistence) InstallationExists(shopID string) bool {
return false // Use any ORM or SQL package directly
func (p *dummyPersistence) CreateInstallation(shopID string, accessToken string) error {
return nil // Use any ORM or SQL package directly
func (p *dummyPersistence) HasValidSession(r *http.Request) bool {
return false // Use gorilla sessions or whatever here
func oauthConfig(s *shoauth.ShopifyConfig) {
s.ClientID = os.Getenv("SHOPIFY_CLIENT_ID")
s.SharedSecret = os.Getenv("SHOPIFY_SHARED_SECRET")
s.IsEmbedded = true
s.Scopes = []string{"read_products", "write_products", "read_customers", "write_customers", "read_orders", "write_orders", "read_shipping", "write_shipping"}
s.Webhooks = make(map[string]string)
s.Webhooks["orders/fulfilled"] = ""
s.Webhooks["app/uninstalled"] = ""
func main() {
shoauthHandler := shoauth.NewShopifyOauthHandler(http.DefaultServeMux, shoauth.DefaultFailureHandler(), &dummyPersistence{}, oauthConfig)
fmt.Println("Listening on")
http.ListenAndServe(":8000", shoauthHandler)
Documentation is available at GoDoc