Hi Antonio, Rashmi & Jeff,
There is no actual deadline for getting the website up. We are having an officers’ meeting this coming Sunday, so Frances was just wondering whether there was anything to present and discuss. The end of this year or early next is fine.
We don’t want you to put a lot of effort into this. We realize you have real jobs and non-running activities, so keep it simple and basic. I have some ideas for a basic layout as a starter. If you want, you might consider incorporating some of these ideas.
Start with some tabs across the top:
Home Activities Benefits Join Us Contact Us
Under “Home”, we could have some stuff lifted from Meetup. Something like this:
Picture in center, followed by the following text:
The Mid-Peninsula Running Club (MPRC) has been around since 1988 to serve runners in the San Mateo County area. We welcome new & experienced runners and walkers of various speeds.
Runs are every Saturday morning on the Bay Trail in San Mateo. Meet and greet at 8:45 AM and start running at 9:00 AM.
Runs are up to 6 miles or up to one hour. We do stretching and announcements after the run. And typically we go out to brunch afterwards.
Under “Activities”, something like:
Saturday morning Bay Trail runs of up to 6 miles or up to one hour.
Social Gathering takes place the last Saturday of every month after the run. Coffee, tea, hot chocolate, pastries, etc. served All are welcome.
Social events throughout the year: picnics, hikes, fun activities for MPRC members only.
Under “Benefits”
· Race discount codes
· 10% discount on shoes at ARM.
· Club social and race activities (annual club picnic/ dinner…)
· Club logo merchandise (caps & jackets)
· Monthly newsletter
· Access to our Club’s Facebook site (members only)
· Access to Club’s STRAVA site (members only)
· Meetup event notifications
· Club Runs on Saturdays
· Club Gatherings with baked goods and hot beverages the last SAT of every
Club support and networking with members * Affordable membership fees: Individual Membership is $15/per person or $20/per family under one household per calendar year.
Easy annual renewal process
Under “Contact Us”:
For more information or questions, we can be reached at [email protected]
Under “Join Us”:
Find out about the location of our runs through “Meetup” (and put in Meetup link). You do not have to be an actual MPRC club member to come to the runs, but you must join Meetup. There is no charge for joining Meetup nor coming to a run.
To become an actual MPRC club member, fill out the Google Form at (and put in link - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd574vmu9CgznB3JxV01Vkjz3RijuhbHEqb6pCCRuC6s7DiHg/viewform?usp=sharing). The fee is $15 per calendar year for individuals and $20 per calendar year for families.
Also, I don’t know a lot about the algorithms used by search engines. But if you do, make sure we have wording such as Run, running, club, Bay Area, San Mateo that can be keyed on.
If you agree, this could be a start. Of course, there would still need to be a lot of editing and cleaning up to get better wording. We could later also add a tab for “Pictures”. However, the website should be mostly a one time shot, with very little ongoing maintenance. I.e., we don’t want to add pictures every month, or keep the Sat. Theme runs up to date. That is done in Meetup.
There are still some bigger issues that need to be decided. You notice I didn’t put any mention of exactly where to go to the runs. They need to go to Meetup for this information. We could easily add this to the website text, but there is an issue of waivers.
And depending on how we resolve waiver issues, we might want, in the future, to consider dropping meetup and just having the website.
And Rashmi and I decided to use Github for now, but possibly in the future, pay for a specific domain name (e.g. RUNMPRC.COM).
npm install react-bootstrap bootstrap react-router-dom
import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css';