yet another wheel for wx (╯‵д′)╯︵┻━┻
A third-party encapsulation of Weixin(Wechat) Media Publicity / Service / Enterprise Account APIs. Gradually growing from only one simple pay feature to a large crowd of APIs. ("ㅍ‿ㅍ)
Usage is like:
WxpayFactorySingl factory = WxpayFactorySingl.getInstance();
UnifiedOrder order = ((UnifiedOrder)factory.instantiate(UnifiedOrder.class))
.setBody ("买买买!" )
.setTotalFee (10970 )
.setOpenid ("oKKrIt0yPJ2OdoDZrrfORxWEnr0s" )
.setOutTradeNo ("wxpay-demopay-"+Long.toString(new Date().getTime()) )
.setSpbillCreateIp(httpServletRequest.getRemoteAddr() )
.setTradeType (TradeType.JSAPI )
UnifiedOrderResponse orderResp = order.execute();
As this example shows, this SDK is simple, stale, and not easy to use. Think before loving it.
For futher info / demos / detailed Chinese tutorials, please refer to project's wiki
Official release can be found in
This project is brought to you by:
SCAU-SIDC, a college student organization belongs to South China Agricultural University.
with love and humorousness.
This project is NOT officially affiliated with Weixin(Wechat) or Tencent.
Using Github self-hosted repo, refer to #17 for details.