Generate tests from examples in your purescript-docs.
module Data.Array exposing …
-- | Convert a `Foldable` structure into an `Array`.
-- |
-- | ```purescript run
-- | > fromFoldable (Just 1)
-- | [1]
-- | ```
-- |
fromFoldable :: forall f. Foldable f => f ~> Array
fromFoldable = fromFoldableImpl foldr
purepur will generate:
module Test.Example.Data.Array where
main :: Spec Unit
main = describe "ArrayEx" $ do
it "value spec in docs from:fromFoldable" $ show (fromFoldable (Just 1)) `shouldEqual` "[1]"
For purepur to recognize an example as a test, add ```purescript run
to a comment in your purescript code, like shown here
The syntax of the code-fence is identical to that of PSCI. This means that copying the terminal output from PSCI to a docs comment should directly work.
Now generate the test-files:
purepure -o test/docs --src "src/**/*.purs" --src "./" $(spago sources)
specifies the directory, where the test-files should be written to--src
specified the glob, for which tests should be generated.
Now test/docs
should look similar to this:
In addition to the normal PSCI-Syntax, purepur allows multiline expressions and declarations:
```purescript run
> f x =
x + 1
> f 2
git clone …
cd …
stack install
run in example
stack run -- -o test/docs --src "src/**/*.purs" (spago sources)
The project is forked from