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RStudio addins manager

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RStudio addins let you execute a bit of R code or a Shiny app through the RStudio IDE, either via the Addins dropdown menu or with a keyboard shortcut. This package is an RStudio addin for managing other addins. To run these addins, you need the latest version of RStudio.


The package can be installed via devtools

## Need the latest version of DT as well

You can test the package at the command line with


Running addins

After installing the package, the Addins menu toolbar will be populated with a new addin called Addin Manager. When you lauch this addin, a DT table will be launched:


In the screenshot above, the highlighted addins, shinyjs and ggThemeAssit, indicate that this addins have already installed.

When you click Done

  • Highlighted addins will be installed.
  • Un-highlighted addins will be removed.


Including your addin

Just fork and alter which is located in the inst/extdata directory. This file is a md file with three columns:

  • addin Name/title
  • Brief Description
  • Package. If the package is only on github, use name/repo.

The initial list of addins was obtain from daattali repo.

Current List of Addins

Name Description Package
2 ggplot2 Marginal Plots Add marginal plots to ggplot2 ggExtra
3 ggplot Theme Assist Customize your ggplot theme ggThemeAssist
4 Data Recoding Interactively generate R code for variable manipulation (levels editing / levels ordering / cutting) questionr
5 Colour Picker Lets you easily select colours shinyjs
6 Roxygen2 comments Add/remove roxygen2 comments csgillespie/roxygen2Comment
7 Schedule Rscripts Easily scheduling Rscripts jwijffels/taskscheduleR
8 Assign Default Values Set function arguments in selection to their default values jennybc/jadd
9 Wrap Rmd Wrap selected R Markdown text but don't insert lines breaks into inline R code tjmahr/WrapRmd
10 Tidy Data Interactively build tidyr function call (gather) MangoTheCat/tidyshiny
11 Lattice Plotting Interactively build plots using the lattice system homerhanumat/addinplots
12 Copy Frame to Clipboard Copy a data.frame to the clipboard BAAQMD/copydat
13 Render Rmd in Console Render an R Markdown document in the global environment jeffjjohnston/RStudioConsoleRender
14 Document This Auto-generate Roxygen skeletons for functions and data mdlincoln/docthis
15 Hist Add-In Interactively create histograms with ggplot2 and obtain the R Code Stan125/limoaddin
16 Graphical Unit Testing Visual regression testing and graphical diffing with testthat lionel-/vdiffr

Other information

  • If you have any suggestions or find bugs, please use the github issue tracker.
  • Feel free to submit pull requests.
  • TODO: Make the package name a url in the table.


RStudio addin management made easy






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