$ git clone https://github.com/crickbabs/qualityControl_byBABS
$ cd qualityControl_byBABS
$ cd script/cpp
$ sh qc_directionality.sh compil
$ sh transcript_directionality.sh compil
$ cd -
You don't need to do anything. The pipeline is using a qc_pipeline
conda environment available in our shared space : /camp/stp/babs/working/software/anaconda/envs
. Just be sure that anaconda is properly configured.
$ readlink $HOME/.conda
$ readlink $HOME/.condarc
$ cat /camp/stp/babs/working/$USER/.condarc
- /camp/stp/babs/working/software/anaconda/envs
- /camp/stp/babs/working/software/anaconda/pkgs
$ cat /camp/stp/babs/working/$USER/.conda/environments.txt
You need to create an anaconda environment and install multiqc, other packages, and the multiqc plugins inside this environment. Here is the procedure.
First, you need to load Anaconda:
$ module load Anaconda2/5.1.0
Then, you create a new environment named qc_pipeline
$ conda create --yes --name qc_pipeline python=3.6
After that you can install somes packages that the pipeline requires:
$ conda install --yes --channel bioconda --name qc_pipeline multiqc=1.5
$ conda install --yes --channel anaconda --name qc_pipeline openblas=0.2.20
$ conda install --yes --channel bioconda --name qc_pipeline htseq=0.9.1
$ conda install --yes --channel anaconda --name qc_pipeline pandas=0.23.3
Install the multiqc plugins:
$ conda install --yes --name qc_pipeline multiqc/multiqc_plugins-1.0-py36_2.tar.bz2
Finally the variable ANACONDA_ENV
needs to be changed in the main.nf
file. This variable has to be set to the path of the anaconda environment you just created.
For example:
$ echo "directory: $(realpath fastq/paired_end/)" >> params.yml
$ module load nextflow/0.30.0
$ nextflow run -params-file params.yml main.nf -with-timeline