This is a brief timeline of Hic et Nunc (abbreviated: HEN or H=N), Teia, and beyond.
The original place for this timeline is If you read this on Github, there is a more comfortable reading experience on Gitbook:
This timeline captures key moments in the development of Hic et Nunc and beyond, including the evolution of Teia and the wider Tezos art communities.
Despite taking great care to fact-check and to keep the entries as accurate as possible, I am very aware that this represents a history, not the history of Hic et Nunc and Teia. There is never one history, but rather a bunch of "intertwined genealogies" (Rosa Menkman) that share some common observations and diverge in others.
According to the philosophy of second-order cybernetics, communication is always based on personal (observer) perspectives (no "objective truths"). Each act of communication, including this one, therefore includes elements of facts, self-revelation, relationship and appeal. Therefore the timeline cannot be completely unbiased, the inclusion/exclusion of events already constitutes personal curation. Some entries contain interpretation and I hope the writing itself marks these sections as commentary.
The timeline is not associated in any way with Hic et Nunc founder Rafael Lima nor does it condone or pass judgement on his actions. There are other places more suitable for commentary. But it is also written in the awareness of a tendency to glorify the past. Its goal is to shed light on the events it describes. While writing this, I am reminded that history can be understood as a ‘protest against forgetting’ (Eric Hobsbawm quoted by Hans Ulrich Obrist, Ways of Curating, p. 57). This is not only because recollections tend to fade from our memories, but also because of attempts to actively suppress them.
If you spot errors or omissions, contact me on Twitter or file a bug report on Github.
Published under CC BY-NC 4.0. For academic citations see CITATION.cff.
Provided for the Tezos art communities by @crcdng.