The PinPayments Library is a .net wrapper for
For more information about the examples below, you can visit for a full reference.
(Inspiration and thanks to Jayme Davis's Stripe implemetnation:
a) Obtain either your Publish key or your Secret key (see the differences here:
b) Update your AppSetting with your api key to your config (this is the easiest way)
<add key="Secret_API" value="** ENTER YOUR SECRET API KEY **"/>
c) In your application initialization, call (this is a programmatic way, but you only have to do it once during startup)
PinService ps = new PinService(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Secret_API"]);
PinService ps = new PinService();
PinService ps = new PinService(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Secret_API"]);
// 5520000000000000 - Mastercard
// 4200000000000000 - Visa
var card = new Card();
card.CardNumber = "5520000000000000";
card.CVC = "111";
card.ExpiryMonth = DateTime.Today.Month.ToString(); // Use the real Expiry
card.ExpiryYear = (DateTime.Today.Year + 1).ToString(); // Not my defaults!
card.Name = "Roland Robot";
card.Address1 = "42 Sevenoaks St";
card.Address2 = null;
card.City = "Lathlain";
card.Postcode = "6454";
card.State = "WA";
card.Country = "Australia";
var response = ps.Charge(new PostCharge { Amount = 100, Card = card, Currency = "AUD", Description = "Desc", Email = "[email protected]", IPAddress = "" });
// See for more detail
PinService ps = new PinService(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Secret_API"]);
var cs = new PinPayments.ChargeSearch { Query = "", Sort = ChargeSearchSortEnum.Amount, SortDirection = SortDirectionEnum.Descending };
var response = ps.ChargesSearch(cs);
System.Console.WriteLine(response.Count.ToString() + " transactions found");
foreach (var r in response.Response)
System.Console.WriteLine(r.description + " " + r.amount.ToString());
// See
ps = new PinService(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Secret_API"]);
var customers = ps.Customers();
// See for more detail
ps = new PinService(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Secret_API"]);
var customer = new Customer();
customer.Email = "[email protected]";
customer.Card = new Card();
customer.Card.CardNumber = "5520000000000000";
customer.Card.ExpiryMonth = "05";
customer.Card.ExpiryYear = "2014";
customer.Card.CVC = "123";
customer.Card.Name = "Roland Robot";
customer.Card.Address1 = "42 Sevenoaks St";
customer.Card.Address2 = "";
customer.Card.City = "Lathlain";
customer.Card.Postcode = "6454";
customer.Card.State = "WA";
customer.Card.Country = "Australia";
var response = ps.CustomerAdd(customer);
System.Console.WriteLine("Customer token: " + response.Customer.Token);
// See
ps = new PinService(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Secret_API"]);
var customers = ps.Customers();
customer = customers.Customer[0];
customer.Card = new Card();
customer.Card.CardNumber = "5520000000000000";
customer.Card.ExpiryMonth = "05";
customer.Card.ExpiryYear = "2014";
customer.Card.CVC = "123";
customer.Card.Name = "Roland Robot";
customer.Card.Address1 = "42 Sevenoaks St";
customer.Card.Address2 = "";
customer.Card.City = "Lathlain";
customer.Card.Postcode = "6454";
customer.Card.State = "WA";
customer.Card.Country = "Australia";
customer.State = "NSW";
var customerUpate = ps.CustomerUpate(customer);
// Refunds - Pin supports partial refunds
var refund = ps.Refund("INSERT CHARGE TOKEN", 200);
refund = ps.Refund("INSERT CHARGE TOKEN", 100);
// Lists all refunds for a particular charge
var refunds = ps.Refunds("INSERT CHARGE TOKEN");
// Card Token
// 5520000000000000 - Test Mastercard
// 4200000000000000 - Test Visa
card = new Card();
card.APIKey = ""; // OPTIONAL. Your publishable API key, if requesting from an insecure environment.
card.CardNumber = "5520000000000000";
card.CVC = "111";
card.ExpiryMonth = DateTime.Today.Month.ToString(); // Use the real Expiry
card.ExpiryYear = (DateTime.Today.Year + 1).ToString(); // Not my defaults!
card.Name = "Roland Robot";
card.Address1 = "42 Sevenoaks St";
card.Address2 = "";
card.City = "Lathlain";
card.Postcode = "6454";
card.State = "WA";
card.Country = "Australia";
var respCardCreate = ps.CardCreate(card);
response = ps.Charge(new PostCharge { Amount = 1500, CardToken = card.Token, Currency = "AUD", Description = "Desc", Email = "[email protected]", IPAddress = "" });
// Card tokens can only be used once.
// If you try and use it a second time, you will get the following message:
response = ps.Charge(new PostCharge { Amount = 1500, CardToken = card.Token, Currency = "AUD", Description = "Desc", Email = "[email protected]", IPAddress = "" });
System.Console.WriteLine(response.Error); // "token_already_used"
System.Console.WriteLine(response.Description); // "Token already used. Card tokens can only be used once, to create a charge or assign a card to a customer."
Any errors that occur on any of the services will throw a PinException with the message returned from Pin. It is a good idea to run your service calls in a try and catch PinExceptions.