The easiest way to install this integration is to use KPM.
/kpm install hipchat
To add a configuration, execute each of the following commands (replace each of the angle bracketed strings with the respective information from
/kpm config hipchat xmppJid "<jabberID, excluding @domain. e.g. [email protected] => 123>"
/kpm config hipchat roomNickname "<roomNickname>"
/kpm config hipchat password "<accountPassword>"
/kpm config hipchat roomJids ["<XMPP/JabberName of room>",...]
For more advanced configuration the following parameters are also avalible:
Set Hipchat Servers Use this to enable working with private Hipchat servers.
/kpm config hipchat connectHost "<host, e.g.>"
/kpm config hipchat conferenceDomain "<domain, e.g.>"
Set Self-Listening Use this to listen to commands sent by the bot account. This has the potential for infinate loops - be careful...
/kpm config hipchat listenSelf true
Set Command Prefix
/kpm config hipchat commandPrefix "/"
To run Hipchat, either run node main.js hipchat
when starting Concierge or run /kpm start hipchat
when Concierge is running.