Software solution of the 2021/2022 Robotics Club of INSA Rennes
Create your working directory as follow :
Then go into your new WOTKING_DIRECTORY :
Now, you can clone the repository :
- https method :
git clone
- ssh method :
git clone [email protected]:clubrobot/team-2022.git
- https method :
Well Done ! The code is now on your computer.
The next step is to configure the project and download all the required tools and libraries.
Just run the bash setup script :
After the setup script, you need to restart you computer.
Not very easy but can be done:
- Make sure is properly configured and has ran by doing
in a arduino code folder You may need to update some paths var in the .profile file at your home: does not work very well at setting paths in wsl >> todo
export ARDUINO_DIR=/opt/arduino-1.6.12
export ESP_ROOT=/hardware/espressif/esp32
export ARDMK_DIR=/usr/share/arduino
export PATH=/team2023/raspberrypi:$PATH
- If compiling working you can now upload but you still need a program: Install the latest release of usbipd-win
This will make a localhost bridge between windows and wsl In WSL install some packages:
sudo apt install linux-tools-5.4.0-77-generic hwdata
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/local/bin/usbip usbip /usr/lib/linux-tools/5.4.0-77-generic/usbip 20
- Attach a device:
usbipd wsl list
in an elevated windows cmd then slect the bus ID corresponding to your arduino device and runusbipd wsl attach --busid <busid>
Now in WSL, you can list your USB device by doinglsusb
- Don't forget to detach tour arduino
to clean your computer don't dorget to run
usbipd wsl detach --busid <busid>
in an elevated windows cmd