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Robert Winkler edited this page Mar 17, 2025
388 revisions
List of available packages. This page is mined to populate clib-search(1)
- clibs/buffer - tiny c-string library
- nami-doc/trim.c - trim a string, in place
- nami-doc/strlen.c - get a string's length
- jwerle/strsplit.h - Split a string into a char array by a given delimiter
- jwerle/chfreq.c - Compute character frequency in a string
- hkjels/slug.c - Create slug from a given string.
- stephenmathieson/case.c - string case conversion
- stephenmathieson/occurrences.c - Count occurrences in a string
- stephenmathieson/path-join.c - join a path
- stephenmathieson/path-normalize.c - normalize a path
- jb55/extname.c - get the extension of a file from a path
- mofosyne/extractFilePathComponents.c - Extract Directory, Filename And Extension from filepath
- stephenmathieson/rot13.c - Simple ROT13
- stephenmathieson/str-ends-with.c - Check if a string ends with another string
- stephenmathieson/str-flatten.c - Flatten a char array
- stephenmathieson/str-replace.c - string replacement
- stephenmathieson/str-starts-with.c - Check if a string starts with another string
- stephenmathieson/substr.c - Get a substring of a string
stephenmathieson/trim.c - string trim with
support - dhobsd/vstring - A simple string building API for C
- chrisdew/sds - Antirez's Simple Dynamic Strings library
- michaelrhodes/path-basename.c - Find the last portion of a path. Similar to Node’s path.basename method.
- movesmyers/str-truncate.c - Simple string truncation
- clibs/wildcardcmp - Simple wildcard string comparison for C
Neved4/asprintf - Robust, portable
implementation - littlstar/asprintf.c - asprintf() implementation
- clibs/strndup - Safe implementation of strndup
- clibs/strdup - Safe implementation of strdup
- mattn/wcwidth - Determine columns needed for a wide character
- TingPing/ustring - Utils for safely handling utf8 strings.
- movesmyers/char-indices.c - Get an array of indices where a character exists in a string
- wooorm/stmr.c - Porter Stemmer algorithm
- gioyik/buffer-libc - Buffer C lib
littlstar/trim.cc - C++
trim util - wooorm/levenshtein.c - Levenshtein’s string edit distance algorithm
- lib-x/xstr - A simple public domain string library
- aperezdc/dbuf - Resizable data buffer.
- promsize/abortf - Printing and formatting versions of abort
- promsize/msprintf - Allocating versions of sprintf
- kokke/tiny-regex-c - Small portable regex
- mofosyne/strtok_escaped.c - Tokenise a string from a single char deliminator. This is an alternative to strtok but with escaped character support for deliminating a string with a single char (e.g. csv or psv)
- goodcleanfun/utf8proc - clib pointer to utf8proc for processing UTF-8 data, unicode normalization, etc.
- goodcleanfun/char_array - safe, dynamic character arrays with string join operations
- goodcleanfun/cstring_array - stores many C NUL-terminated strings as one contiguous, dynamic/resizable array or characters with index pointers, good for e.g. tokenized strings.
- goodcleanfun/semiformal - a fast tokenizer/lexer for text using unicode.org's TR-29 segmentation rules, built with re2c
- c-sdk/strnstr - strnstr(3) implementation polyfill.
- clibs/rgba - rgba color string parser
- clibs/unlikely - gcc branch prediction macros
- aperezdc/cflag - Non-allocating command line flag parser
- clibs/commander - expressive argument parser
- clibs/flag - Go style flag parsing
- clibs/ms - millisecond parser / formatter util
- clibs/bytes - byte-length parser / formatter util
- clibs/term - terminal utilities
- clibs/inih - INI parser
- jb55/rotate-bits.h - bitwise rotations
- jwerle/url.h - Parse URLs in C much like Node's url module.
- doches/progressbar - A library for displaying command-line progress bars
- jwerle/progress.h - Progress display lib for c
- jwerle/repl.h - Create a repl with eval/print/error hooks with given stdin, stdout, and stderr streams
- jwerle/getch.c - getch() implementation
- jwerle/usleep.h - usleep implementation using poll() or select()
- jwerle/libbacon - A C implementation of the Baconian Cipher ! BACON
- jwerle/libbeaufort - A C implementation of the Beaufort Cipher
- madmurphy/libconfini - Yet another INI parser
- stephenmathieson/is-email.c - Loosely validate an email address
- thlorenz/gumbo-parser.c - HTML5 parser
- thlorenz/log.h - Minimal yet colorful logging lib
- sciascid/tree - convenient wrapper around BSD sys/tree.h.
- clehner/chains - Markov chains
- Constellation/console-colors.c - Write formatted string to console with colors
- stephenmathieson/expand-braces.c - Simple shell-like brace expansion
- stephenmathieson/wiki-registry.c - Turn a GitHub wiki page into a package registry
- xythobuz/serial - POSIX serial port interface with optional flow control support.
- lukedeo/cmd-parser - A Lightweight, header-only commandline parser
- clibs/mt19937ar - Mersenne Twister random number generator
- willemt/config-re - Data structure allows your program to be configured
- brendanashworth/genpassword.c - Random password generating library
- clibs/dumpasn1 - Displays contents of ASN.1 encoded data
- orangeduck/LuaAutoC - Automagically use C Functions and Structs with the Lua API
- Gioyik/color-sh - Display colors on your terminal
- Gioyik/c_printf - Color C lib for printf
- Gioyik/slim_color - Ultra simple C lib to output color
- nsf/termbox - Powerful but simple library for writing text-based user interfaces
noporpoise/sort_r - Portable re-entrant qsort (
) - kdmurray91/clogged - Configurable and pretty logging library
- Isty001/mem-pool - Dynamic memory pool implementation, for reusable fixed, or variable sized memory blocks, using pthread mutex locks
- alebcay/metric - Macros for converting between metric and customary units
- Isty001/dotenv-c - .env loader for C
- daddinuz/liblogger - DEPRECATED A logging library written in ANSI C
- daddinuz/logger - A logging library written in C99
- ararslan/termcolor-c - Header-only ANSI C library for colored text output
- daddinuz/arena - Region based, expandable, memory allocator
- abranhe/mergesort.c - Merge sort algorithm implementation
- bonedaddy/ulog - Lightweight and threadsafe logger with color coded text and optional file logging
- aperezdc/clog - Simple logger which does not allocate memory and can be configured at runtime using environment variables.
- clibs/linenoise - A minimal, zero-config, BSD licensed, readline replacement used in Redis, MongoDB, and Android.
- exbotanical/lib.thread - Bespoke POSIX threads, mutexes, wait queues, thread pools, and semaphores for the C programming language.
- exbotanical/lib.chron - Timers, hierarchical wheels, and event scheduling utilities.
- promsize/memalign - Standard-like functions for pointer alignment
- exbotanical/libutil - JavaScript-inspired utilities for arrays and buffers.
- phoenixpinpoint/Surveyor - A dependency build management tool for clib
- mofosyne/sexp_prettify - Prettifies S-expressions (Based On KiCAD formatting)
- rswinkle/clnk - single-header library to extract the path from windows shortcut files (.lnk files)
- jmi2k/disjoint.h - disjoint types (aka sum types)
- yrmt/ArrayList - doubly linked list based on BSD TAILQ
- clibs/hash - hash library built on zhash
- clibs/list - simple doubly linked list
- clibs/red-black-tree - Generic red-black tree library (by Julienne Walker).
- thlorenz/sync-stream.c - synchronous stream implementation
- troydhanson/uthash - C macros for hash tables and more
- willemt/cbuffer - circular buffer
- willemt/bipbuffer - circular buffer alternative
- willemt/heap - heap priority queue
- willemt/pseudolru - pseudo least recently used cache
- willemt/bag - data structure which only has put and randomised take operations
- willemt/bitfield - easily get and set bits in a bitfield
- willemt/array-avl-tree - self balancing tree
- willemt/linked-list-hashmap - hashmap that uses linked lists for managing collisions
- willemt/quadratic-probing-hashmap - hashmap that uses quadratic probing (open addressing) for managing collisions
- DavidLeeds/hashmap - templated and type-safe hashmap using open addressing and linear probing for collision resolution.
- rxi/vec - dynamic array
- jlcordeiro/cmap - map with string keys
- willemt/skiplist - Dictionary implemented through a skiplist
- willemt/linked-list-queue - Queue using a linked list
- willemt/meanqueue - An integer queue that calculates mean in O(1)
- willemt/chunkybar - Data structure that efficiently represents multi-piece progress bars
- willemt/farraylist - An arraylist that doesn't shift items so you can have "holes" between slots
- jonathanmarvens/hopscotch - A generic concurrent skip list library.
- mbucc/cqueue - OpenBSD's queue(3): linked lists and queues.
- clibs/lmdb - Symas Lightning Memory-Mapped Database (LMDB)
- willemt/arrayqueue - Queue implemented using an array
- AjayMT/dict.c - Simple dictionary implemented through a linked list
- AjayMT/list.c - Simple linked list
- skeeto/lstack - A lock-free stack using C11's new stdatomic.h features
- clehner/ll.c - Transparent linked lists
- kellydunn/libkld - Personal implementations of common datastructures. (List, Vector, Graph, Matrix, Tree, etc)
- willemt/duraqueue - Queue built to be durable under failure
- Gioyik/mapc - C lib for mapping
- neylsongularte/simple-linked-list-c - Linked list implementation
- htmk/Fat-Array - Dynamic arbitrary typed array using fat pointers and macros.
- laserswald/dlist - Type safe double linked list in the style of BSD's queue.h
- catb0t/sparse - Sparse arrays implemented by run-length-encoding regions of zeroes
- arablocks/flat-tree.c - A series of functions to map a binary tree to a list ported from flat-tree.
- jwerle/libmerkle - A C99 library for generating Merkle trees.
- rikvdh/zabuffer - A Zero-allocation buffer handling library for low-memory applications.
- rikvdh/zringbuf - A Zero-allocation ring-buffer library for low-memory applications.
- robusgauli/cvector - A Generic dynamic vector implementation with Iterator addon.
- robusgauli/cset - Type safe, Generic & Fast as F**K Set Data structure (uses XXHash).
- 4thel00z/env.h - Utilities to nicely interact with the environment variables.
- exbotanical/lib.cartilage - A library of various linked list data structures.
- exbotanical/lib.envoy - Thread-safe notification chains.
- goodcleanfun/array - Generic, dynamic arrays
- goodcleanfun/heap - Generic min/max heap based on a dynamic array
- goodcleanfun/circular_buffer - Generic, growable circular buffer implementation for deques
- goodcleanfun/memory_pool - Generic, growable memory pool of fixed-sized objects (tree nodes, etc.). Includes thread-safe implementation using atomics and reader-writer locks.
- goodcleanfun/binary_tree - General functions for making various kinds of binary trees
- goodcleanfun/avl_tree - AVL tree using a memory pool
- goodcleanfun/btree - efficient B+-tree implementation using memory pool
- goodcleanfun/weight_balanced_tree - Weight-balanced tree using a memory pool
- goodcleanfun/red_black_tree - Red-black tree using a memory pool
- goodcleanfun/skip_list - Randomized skip-list using memory pool
- goodcleanfun/splay_tree - Splay tree, an adaptive binary search tree with query time proportional to the entropy of access patterns, using a memory pool
- goodcleanfun/matrix - Generic dense matrix operations including BLAS
- goodcleanfun/sparse_matrix - Sparse matrix operations including efficient sparse matrix-matrix multiply
- phoenixpinpoint/phoenixpinpoint - A List, Stack and, Queue library based on a doubly linked list
- goodcleanfun/weighted_sum_interval_tree - A dynamic, generic interval tree which keeps track of a set of intervals and evaluates the sum of all intervals containing a query point.
- goodcleanfun/max_interval_tree - Max-interval tree finds for a set of weighted intervals and a given query key, the max weight for the interval containing that key as well as maintaining a constant-time global maximum.
- mofosyne/cbuff.h - Malloc free, minimum overhead implementation of a circular buffer. Static inlined handlers for speed and ease of usage in various projects. Both index and pointer approach is provided.
- clibs/logfmt - fast logfmt parser.
- clibs/jsmn - JSON parser.
- orangeduck/mpc - Parser Combinator Library for C
- willemt/torrent-reader - Read torrent files
- mbucc/js0n - Parse JSON.
- jb55/field-range-parser.c - Parse field ranges (like cut)
- jb55/querystring.c - Querystring parser
- jb55/is_number.c - Test a string to see if it is a number
- brendanashworth/http-parser - http request/response parser for c
- h2non/semver.c - Semver 2.0 parser and render written in ANSI C
- kgabis/parson - Lightweight JSON library written in C.
- tay10r/mini-make - Miniature Makefile parser, written in C.
- septag/sjson - Lightweight single-file JSON library, written in C.
- rikvdh/matching - String-based parser based on matching strings for interpreting and handling string-based interfaces.
- hyperrealm/libconfig - Lightweight fully reentrant configuration parsing library well suited to memory-constrained systems.
- likle/cargs - A lightweight cross-platform getopt alternative that works on Linux, Windows and macOS. Command line argument parser library for C/C++. Can be used to parse argv and argc parameters.
- phoenixpinpoint/md4c-clib - Markdown Parser and HTML Generator for C. Ported from github.com/mity.
- mofosyne/minimal-multipart-form-data-parser-c - Minimal multipart/form-data Parser in C. Handles only one file, no validation. Targeting embedded systems, so aiming for small code size over speed or features.
- mofosyne/libyuarel - Simple C library for parsing URLs with zero-copy and no mallocs, including querystring.
- mofosyne/kv_get_value.c - Simple ANSI C Key Value String Parser. Reads entire buffer/file to locate a specific key and return a value string. Good for small projects not caring about speed.
- mofosyne/kv_parse.c - Composible Key Value Parser C library for parsing key value strings with zero-copy and no mallocs. (Can support INI style config files)
- aperezdc/sixpack - Small HiPack parser, may be configured to avoid allocations and target embedded devices.
- clibs/rle - Run-length encoding
- clibs/snappy - Snappy codec
- littlstar/uri.c - URI Component encoder/decoder
- mbucc/chtmlescape - HTML escape the characters '<', '>', '&', and '"'
- littlstar/b64.c - Base64 encode/decode
- jwerle/libutf8 - A whatwg compliant UTF8 encoding and decoding library
- willemt/bitstream - Let me write out bits to a stream
- willemt/fe - Flip the endianess of integers
- mikepb/endian.h - Portable endian conversion functions for C
- mattn/locale-string - Convert between locale string and utf-8 string
- georgy7/zlib - A massively spiffy yet delicately unobtrusive compression library.
- lemire/simdcomp - A simple C library for compressing lists of integers
- powturbo/TurboPFor - Fastest Integer Compression + Direct Access w/o decompression
- pepaslabs/hexify.c - Convert binary data into a hexidecimal string
- aperezdc/ulid-c - Create and encode ULIDs, Universal Lexicographically-sortable Identifiers.
- jwerle/libsleepfile - A C99 library for interacting with SLEEP file storage.
- sorribas/varint.c - C library to encode/decode protobuf-style varint.
- goodcleanfun/byte_order - read/write numeric types specifying endianness
- goodcleanfun/lex_order - convert numeric types into binary-comparable representations that sort lexicographically
- goodcleanfun/byte_struct - a dynamic struct format (similar to Python's struct.pack/struct.unpack but with arrays and lexicographic sorting) useful for compound keys in trees/tries, prefix compression.
- mofosyne/char-utils.h - small C utility library macros and functions for char handling. e.g. conversion or checks for hex, digits and ascii values. Such as hex char to int and int to hex char.
- jwerle/fs.c - File system API much like Node's fs module
- stephenmathieson/mkdirp.c - mkdir -p
- stephenmathieson/rimraf.c - rm -rf
- willemt/file2str - reads a file and returns contents as a string
- willemt/stubfile - for managing the creation of files where the content of the files will be written to randomly
- stephenmathieson/tempdir.c - An implementation of Python's tempfile.tempdir algorithm
- willemt/pidfile - Create a pidfile
- cxong/tinydir - Lightweight, portable and easy to integrate C directory and file reader
- Isty001/copy - Copies files, directories recursively
clibs/which - Locate executable via
or given string - likle/cwalk - Path library for C/C++. Cross-Platform for Windows, MacOS and Linux. Supports UNIX and Windows path styles on those platforms.
- goodcleanfun/file_utils - endian-agnostic file I/O for numeric types and arrays
- goodcleanfun/mapped_file - cross-platform mapped file (mmap) implementation
- rswinkle/file_browser - single-header cross-platform file browsing for any UI system
- Cyan4973/xxHash - Extremely fast non-cryptographic hash algorithm
- jwerle/murmurhash.c - MurmurHash3 general hash bashed lookup function implementation
- clibs/sha1 - sha1 hash algorithm
- jb55/sha256.c - sha256 hash algorithm
- aperezdc/hmac-sha256 - hmac-sha256 message authentication algorithm
- pepaslabs/rhash_md5.c - md5 hash algorithm (from RHash)
- zackehh/siphash-c - SipHash hash algorithm
- catb0t/fnv-hash - Fowler/Noll/Vo non-cryptographic hash algorithms
- exbotanical/libhash - A simple open-addressed, double-hashed hash table.
- veqtrus/vial_aes - AES block cipher with ECB, CBC, CTR, EAX encryption/ decryption and CMAC authentication
- aisk/libae - Async event loop library extract from from redis
- jb55/anet.c - Basic TCP socket stuff made a bit less boring
- willemt/raft - C implementation of the Raft consensus protocol
- willemt/tracker-client - Connect to a bittorrent tracker
- willemt/pwp - A Bittorrent peer wire protocol implementation
- willemt/yabtorrent - Cross platform Bittorrent library
- clibs/amp - Abstract Message Protocol C implementation
- littlstar/request.cc - libcurl-backed HTTP request library for C++
- daddinuz/http - Http requests made easier
- aperezdc/netdial - Utility library to simplify socket setup code
- clibs/http-get.c - Simple HTTP GET requests backed by libcurl
- 4thel00z/libsniff - Simple library to help you with setting up a raw socket
- phoenixpinpoint/fido - Fido provides JS Fetch API bindings in C for use in WASM. Additionally Fido provides a simple Header, Request and, Response API.
- mofosyne/iana-headers - Autogenerated Standard Headers Registered By IANA
- clibs/uv - Cross-platform asychronous I/O
- clibs/leveldb - LevelDB is a fast key-value storage library written at Google that provides an ordered mapping from string keys to string values
- clibs/ck - Concurrency primitives, safe memory reclamation mechanisms and non-blocking data structures designed to aid in the research, design and implementation of high performance concurrent systems.
- beltex/libsmc - Apple System Management Controller (SMC) API
- brendanashworth/r3 - high-performance path dispatching library for the web
- qute/qute - AST generation library
- clibs/sophia - modern embeddable key-value database
- tzador/gl-matrix - Matrix and Vector library for High Performance OpenGL apps
- clibs/stb - stb single-file public domain libraries for C/C++
- daddinuz/option - Mimic Rust's Option type
- jwerle/libara - a library for constructing random access memory interfaces. Operations are asynchronous and are provided data structures for relaying memory between functions. It is built on top of libuv (libuv >= 1.x.x). It is inspired by Julian Gruber's abstract-random-access.
- septag/sx - Portable base library for C programmers, tailored for system programmers and game developers. Includes containers, hash-table, memory allocators, fibers, threading, random generator, timer, multi-threaded task scheduler, math (linear algebra/vector/matrix/tweening), etc..
- jwerle/libnanoresource - A C99 library for creating tiny async resources.
- jwerle/libram - A C99 library for creating random access memory interfaces.
- jwerle/libras - A C99 library for creating random access storage interfaces.
- jwerle/libalru - libalru is a library for creating really fast numeric based LRU caches that leverage an optimized CRC-16-CCITT ported over from @mafintosh's array-lru.
- andrerenaud/pdfgen - A minimalistic C99 library for creating PDF document.
- Immediate-Mode-UI/Nuklear - A single-header ANSI C immediate mode cross-platform GUI library.
- phoenixpinpoint/butterknife - A simple HTML templating system.
- phoenixpinpoint/fracture - Fracture provides a robust set of tools for developing web applications in C. Build to JS or WASM.
- madmurphy/zen.h - C preprocessor utilities
- jlcordeiro/threadpool - A simple thread pool implementation (POSIX)
- jwerle/async.h - Asynchronous goodies built on libuv
- stephenmathieson/batch.c - Simple async batch using pthreads
- ScientificC/errno - This repository contains some error handling modules used in the development of the libraries of SciC
- clibs/trigger - Simple event handling library.
- stephenmathieson/emitter.c - Tiny event emitter
- jwerle/throw.h - Create and throw errors easily
- 4thel00z/cry.h - Cry about your program (like throw.h) but with colors
- clibs/coro - Coroutines in C
- tylertreat/chan - Pure C implementation of Go channels
- trws/libdefer - Go-style defer in C
- willemt/uv_multiplex - Let's share one TCP socket across multiple threads
- willemt/bmon - Batch work from multiple threads
- guillermocalvo/exceptions4c - An exception handling framework for C
- Mobiushorizons/closure_module - Standardized callback interface.
- aperezdc/autocleanup - Utility macros for typesafe RAII-style scoped cleanups for variables.
- goodcleanfun/threading - cross-platform C11 threads.h implementation that works on Linux, Mac, and Windows, plus a cross-platform read-write lock
- willemt/heapless-bencode - Bencode reader that doesn't use the heap
- willemt/streaming-bencode - Bencode reader that loves working with streams
- orangeduck/ptest - DRY Microtesting for C
- clibs/debug - Conditional debug logging for C
- stephenmathieson/debug.c - Conditional debugging for C (again)
- hij1nx/debug - Conditional debug logging for C++
- stephenmathieson/describe.h - Simple BDD testing utility
- jwerle/libok - Super tiny tap output library
- thlorenz/tap.c - tap test runner
- jlcordeiro/minunit - A minimal, header-only, unit testing framework.
- stephenmathieson/assertion-macros.h - simple assertion macros (assert_equal, assert_str_equal, etc.)
- silentbicycle/greatest - A C unit testing library in 1 file. No dependencies, no dynamic allocation
- willemt/cutest - C unit testing
- jeradesign/MinUnit - JTN002: A minimal unit testing framework for C
- aperezdc/apicheck - Assertion macros for checking function parameters
- daddinuz/traits - An assertions library written in C99
- daddinuz/traits-unit - A unittest framework written in C99
- clibs/timestamp - millisecond resolution timestamps
- clibs/bench.h - get wall and cpu time for benchmarking
- clibs/timer - timer with microsecond resolution
- willemt/event-timer - A timer that fires events based off time
- brendanashworth/bench - easy to use, beautiful-looking benchmarking library
- opal-instruments/tiny-midi-clock - A small MIDI Beat Clock implementation with millisecond precision.
- visionmedia/watch - periodically execute commands
- visionmedia/mon - simple process monitoring
- visionmedia/histo - display histograms from static or streaming input
- jb55/extname - get file extensions from arguments
- jb55/samp - Sample input given some probability
- jb55/pidpath - Get the executable path from a pid on OSX
- sphia/sphia - Command line utility for operations on a sophia database
- stephenmathieson/tabs-to-spaces - convert tabs to spaces in files
- stephenmathieson/sophia-repl - REPL for Sophia databases
- hij1nx/ldb - A c++ repl for leveldb
- tomerdmnt/levelfs - leveldb FUSE filesystem
- jonathanmarvens/netmask-tool - Simple netmask utility.
- lavoiesl/osx-cpu-temp - Outputs current CPU temperature in °C for OSX
- clibs/entr - A utility for running arbitrary commands when files change
- stephenmathieson/ghi - less opinionated clib-install for non clib-enabled repos
- jwerle/suri - Set and get application URI schemes for OS X
- wooorm/stmr - Porter Stemmer CLI
- andik/makeheaders - make headers from .c source files
- wooorm/levenshtein - Levenshtein’s string edit distance algorithm CLI
- nilsding/cnsc - C No Scope Commits: Angular commits minus scope and stuff
- glisy/glisy-earth - Glisy example rendering glsl-earth and using glsl-fog for fade in effects.
- glisy/glsl-checker-blur - Glisy example using glsl-hash-blur and glsl-check from stack.gl
- mattn/ansicolor-w32.c - ANSI color support on windows
- onderweg/follow-the-sun - Automatic dark mode in macOS
- clibs/clib-uninstall - plugin for uninstalling executables
- clibs/clib-validate - validate a package.json
- ScientificC/cmathl - A pure-C math library with a great variety of mathematical functions. Seeks to be close to C89/C90 compliant for portability.
- jb55/bresenham-line.c - Bresenham's line drawing algorithm
- MauroMombelli/TrigonomeC - Basic implementation of 3d vector and quaternion
- MauroMombelli/FreeDCM - An implementation of Direct Cosine Matrix, a fast orientation algorithm
- willemt/minmax - min and max functions
- glisy/math - Common linear algebra functions for OpenGL
- littlstar/clamp - Macro to clamp a value between two other values
- catb0t/yacbnl - yet another C bignum library for C99
- erstan/ceval - Parse and evaluate math expressions
- tochinet/Posit - Posit arithmetic for embedded systems
- mofosyne/bound_and_clamp.c - Various macros and functions for validating and guarding signals in c (Bounds, Clamps, etc...)
- goodcleanfun/vector_ops - Vectorized operations for numeric arrays using OpenMP if available
- mofosyne/linmap.h - Lightweight Linear Mapping Library (e.g. ADC Conversion)
- opal-instruments/max7219-avr - max7219 LED Driver for AVR devices.
- glisy/glisy - Higher level operations for OpenGL
- glisy/glfw-shell - Setup a GLFW context and render loop now
- glisy/ease - Common easing functions
- glisy/math - Common linear algebra functions for OpenGL
- littlstar/sop - Simple OBJ Parser for deriving simplicial complexes and material data from .obj file formats exported from Blender/Max
- littlstar/soil - Simple OpenGL Image Library
- rswinkle/PortableGL - An implementation of OpenGL 3.x-ish in clean C
- daddinuz/watchdog - A memory tracer useful to analyze memory usage or detect leaks.