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Fast and storage-efficient spatial database engine for OpenStreetMap data


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GeoDesk is a fast and storage-efficient geospatial database for OpenStreetMap data. Also available for Python and for Java.

Why GeoDesk?

  • Small storage footprint — GeoDesk's GOL files are only 20% to 50% larger than the original OSM data in PBF format — that's less than a tenth of the storage consumed by a traditional SQL-based database.

  • Fast queries — typically 50 times faster than SQL.

  • Fast to get started — Converting .osm.pbf data to a GOL is 20 times faster than an import into an SQL database. Alternatively, download pre-made data tiles for just the regions you need and automatically assemble them into a GOL.

  • Intuitive API — No need for object-relational mapping; GeoDesk queries return lightweight C++ objects. Quickly discover tags, way-nodes and relation members. Get a feature's geometry, measure its length/area.

  • Proper handling of relations — (Traditional geospatial databases deal with geometric shapes and require workarounds to support this unique and powerful aspect of OSM data.)

  • Optional integration with GEOS for advanced geometric operations, such as buffer, union, simplify, convex and concave hulls, Voronoi diagrams, and much more.

  • Modest hardware requirements — any 64-bit Windows, Linux or MacOS system will run GeoDesk.

  • Lightweight — the full query engine adds less than 250 KB and has no link-time dependencies. It runs entirely in-process, no database server required.

Get Started


  • CMake 3.14 or later
  • C++20 compiler with a Standard Library for Windows, Linux or MacOS
  • Java 16 or above (to run the GOL Tool)

Build & Link

If your project uses CMake, add this to your CMakeLists.txt:

FetchContent_Declare(geodesk GIT_REPOSITORY
    GIT_TAG main)

target_link_libraries(my_program geodesk)

Alternatively, build GeoDesk explicitly:

git clone
cd libgeodesk
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .

Create a GOL

Create a Geographic Object Library based on any .osm.pbf file, using the GOL Tool (Requires Java 16+).

For example:

gol build switzerland switzerland-latest.osm.pbf

Example Application

Find all the pubs in Zurich (Switzerland) and print their names:

#include <geodesk/geodesk.h>

using namespace geodesk;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    // Open switzerland.gol
    Features features("switzerland");      

    // Get the feature that represents the area of the city of Zurich
    Feature zurich = features(

    // Define a set that contains nodes and areas that are pubs
    Features pubs = features("na[amenity=pub]");

    // Iterate through the pubs that are contained 
    // in the area of Zurich and print their names
    for (Feature pub: pubs.within(zurich))
        std::cout << pub["name"] << std::endl;

More Examples

Find all movie theaters within 500 meters from a given point:

Features movieTheaters = features("na[amenity=cinema]")
    .maxMetersFromLonLat(500, myLon, myLat);

Remember, OSM uses British English for its terminology.

Discover the bus routes that traverse a given street:

for (Relation route: street.parents("[route=bus]"))
    std::cout << route["ref"] 
        << " from " << route["from"] 
        << " to " << route["to"] << std::endl;

Count the number of entrances of a building:

int numberOfEntrances = building.nodes("[entrance]").count();


Related Repositories

  • geodesk — GeoDesk for Java
  • geodesk-py — GeoDesk for Python
  • gol-tool — command-line utility for building, maintaining and querying GOL files

OpenStreetMap is a trademark of the OpenStreetMap Foundation, and is used with their permission. GeoDesk is not endorsed by or affiliated with the OpenStreetMap Foundation.